Chapter 18: An enemy for life

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Harl's heart sank. He knew Sonora had been dreading any confrontation with Felmar and, worst of all, he was drunk and out to impress his cronies.

'Well, lads. Look at the dainty little lady. Would you-' he took a swig from his bottle, '-like us to handle your wares?'

His mates roared with laughter as they swung into a loose half-circle around Harl and Sonora.

Felmar staggered a bit and then drew himself up and saluted.

'And what,' he asked,' has brought the witch and her outlander down into town?'

The four men around them chuckled.

Harl bent and let go of the cart's handles. He stepped around the cart and placed himself between Felmar and Sonora. Felmar swayed backwards a little as Harl came closer, but his cronies moved in a step, unwilling to see their leader cowed. Felmar took a pace forward and smiled.

'We're just here for supplies,' Harl said, indicating the cart with one hand, 'and to give out potions to help your own people Felmar. The ones you're meant to be protecting.'

 'We don't need your help,' Felmar snapped and then spat on the floor. 'Your potions don't work, witch. I've lost men to this plague. I've lost others to those rioting filth. They deserve to die. You only cause trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if you started the illness. What poisons do you peddle? Eh? You know what we do with witches, don't you? We burns them.'

Harl was surprised that he managed not to slur any of his words.

'We've no wish to stay, Felmar,' Sonora said. 'All we want is to be on our way.'

Felmar laughed. 'Not until you've handed over them supplies, witch. Me and the lads, well, we have ideas about getting out of here, and that little stash would come in handy.' He turned to his men and waved one hand towards Sonora. 'And I have a fancy to take you too. We could do with some... entertainment.'

The group roared with laughter.

The fat guard grinned and staggered forward to take the cart, but Harl shoved a palm into the man's pudgy belly and he teetered backwards.

The other men started forward.

Harl let the bow slide off his shoulder, grabbed it in the same hand, and drew an arrow from his quiver with the other. He nocked the arrow and drew the string back taught. The arrow's tip wobbled as Felmar's head swayed from side to side, taking in the threat.

'The supplies are ours, Felmar,' Harl said.

Felmar's gaze traced along the arrow and he snarled through gritted teeth. He waved his men aside and then took an unsteady step back.

Harl moved toward the gate, keeping the bow aimed at Felmar. 'Bring the cart, Sonora.'

She grabbed the handles and heaved it towards the open gates. Harl didn't turn his back on the group and kept the bow raised as they reached the gate and walked out on the bridge. When he was out of range, he sighed and lowered the bow.

Felmar stood in the centre of the gateway. He took another swig from the bottle then threw it against the wall and spat on the floor.

As Harl turned away his heart sank.

Felmar was smiling.

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