Chapter 48

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Instead of heading straight to that asshole Axel, I decided to head back to my room instead.

Yeah I wanted to kick his ass so bad, I wanted him to feel how I feel inside- but I just couldn't. Maybe I will tomorrow, but right now all I wanted to do was lay on my bed and fall asleep. Didn't matter if it wasn't nightfall yet, I didn't fucking give a damn anymore.

If Kaia wanted to be with Ax now, the least she could do was tell me straight up. I can't believe she was easily swept off her feet like that. I will always adore her though, that's for fucking sure.

I pull up outside the dorms and walk up slowly to my room. My face showed no emotion whatsoever. I looked at my cell, it had 3 missed calls from James and 2 new texts from Axel. I didn't give a fuck, no one mattered anymore.

I got into my room and lay on the bed. I didn't know how to feel. I had never felt like this about anyone before. Yeah, I've played around with girls before and they've done the same to me- but why the fuck does it hurt more coming from Kaia? What makes the pain from what she did with Axel hurt more than what any other girl has done to me. Fuck my life. Fuck everything!

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. The sun was setting now, I was supposed to take shots of today's sunset, but due to some fuck up news, I'm not gonna.
Probably gonna fail my fucking assignment. Why do I even care?

Just as my mind was at ease and I could feel myself getting sleepy, there was a knock at the door.
I opened my eyes and cursed under my breath. Why can't they just leave me alone?

I drag myself over to the door and open it. Elena barges in and plants herself on my couch. She opens up her bag and takes out a pack of beers.

"Drink up" she says, handing me one.

I take it from her and crack it open. Good thing she bought cans, I don't fucking know where my bottle opener is.

"Damn I had a hectic day" Elena says, stretching her legs out on the couch.

"Same" I muttered as I took a seat on the floor, leaning on my bed.

"I heard about. ..well, everything" Elena said, sympathetically.

"Let me guess, James?" I said, unbothered.

"Yeah, and I'm not gonna lecture you about nothing. I came here to chill" Elena says, smiling at me.

"Good! Because I'm in no mood to talk" I said and Elena nodded.

I like how she gets me, she doesn't push me to talk when I don't want to. Unlike James and that cunt, Axel.

Elena and I sat in comfortable silence drinking our beer. After an hour had past, there was no more booze and Elena was falling off to sleep on the couch. I woke her up gently and she told me she was heading off. Guess she had a hard day at the garage.

After I walked her to her bike, I made my way back upstairs and locked the door before laying in bed, trying to fall asleep.

I thought about Axel and how fucked up it is to steal my girl. I don't wanna face him, I don't know what I might do to him if he says one nasty comment. I might do something that I'll regret.

Just as I'm done with my thoughts for the day and was ready to go to sleep, there was a knock on the door. Oh for heavens sake who the hell could it be now?!

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