Chapter 18

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Ash's P.O.V:

The constant sound of someone f*****g banging on my door is making my head hurt more than it already does.
Why the f**k did I go out last night? I missed all my classes today. Why am I such an idiot?

I roll out of bed and grab my tshirt off the floor. I walk to the door ready to blast whoever the f**k is disturbing me.
Unless it's Kaia.

I open the door and immediately roll my eyes when I see this sl*tbag waltz into my room.
She walks in like she's welcome. I would really love to throw her out but I don't want to make a scene, I'm too tired for that. Instead, I sit on the couch and look at her annoying ass prance around my room.

"What the f**k are you doing here, Yvonne?", I say to her in an unpleasant way.
I'm not even gonna act like I want her here, cause I really don't.

"Don't be so rude. We're friends remember?", this b***h says with a smile.

"Friends?! No Yvonne, we're not friends. You're Elena's friend-- not mine!", I spat.

"I'm Elena's friend and we're more than friends, right Ashton?".

"No, okay. We're nothing. We never were anything because you threw me away the night I said I wanted to date you. And for who? That scumbag Jimmy who's probably too high to find his  f*****g class right now. Get out Yvonne!".

Just as I was getting her to leave, another piece of sh*t comes waltzing in. Oh my f*****g god cant these people just f**k off!

I stand and address the idiot in my room.
"The f**k do you want, Brody?".
Why am I even asking, he knows he's not allowed on school property anymore. This ass is trying to get me in trouble.

"Look mate, I didn't wanna come here. It's just that I need some and Jimmy's all out of it, no one else will sell it to me, I need your help mate", Brody says. He's not even looking in my direction. Is he f*****g high right now?

"Would both of you just get the hell out of my room! I told you I'm done with you guys. I left a long time ago. I'm fine. I'm doing great. Then you show up here acting like I'm a part of your little gang? I'm not my father, okay?", I yelled at them. They both stood there looking angry.

Brody rushed towards me and pinned me to the wall. I pushed his arms away from me as hard as I could making him fall to the floor. Yvonne helped Brody up and gave me a stink look.
She said bye to Brody and announced that she was leaving. Good riddance! I bloody hate that sl*t.

After she left Brody stood there looking at me with dark eyes. He then raised a finger and started poking into my chest.

"You should learn to be like your old man, Ashton. That way you wouldn't have to live here, study here. F**k, you could have anything you want. And best of all, the gang will be behind you, every decision you make", this time Brody didn't yell, he was talking in a low but harsh tone.

I stare into his dark eyes, thinking of what he just said. There's no way I can be my father. I hate him. I would never want to be like him. Never.

I hear someone in the hallway and quickly turn my head to the right to see who it is.
Brody does the same. He thinks it's campus security, here to escort his ass out.
But it's not security, it's sweet Kaia. She glances over to me before shutting the door, rather loudly. She must have heard me yelling.

"Get out Brody and don't come back here", I say, pushing him towards the door.

Brody heads out of my room but turns back and glares at me.
"Think about what I said", he says before leaving.

When I finally think it's over and I can get back to sleep, Elena decides to show up. I was just about to curse when someone pushes the door back open while I was trying to close it.

Elena walks in and takes a seat on my couch. She fiddles with her phone then looks up at me.
"Ash, we have to talk".

I take a seat next to her unaware of what the hell she wants to talk about now.

"It's about Kaia".

As soon as those words fell from Elena's lips I was ready to listen to whatever she had to say.

Elena takes a deep breath before beginning to talk.

"As I was coming up to see you, I bumped into Yvonne".

"Yea, she was just pestering me", I replied.

"Okay, anyway -- she said she ran into Kaia at the coffee shop today and she may have told Kaia to stay clear from you", Elena says. Her eyes fixed on the floor.

"Why the f**k would she do that and how the hell does she know Kaia? Kaia literally just got here yesterday".

"That's what I wanted to talk about Ash. I'm the reason Yvonne knows about Kaia", Elena says to me.
I don't know what the hell is going on, I'm confused.

"What did you do, Elena?!"

Elena looks at me with an apologetic face.
"I didn't mean to. It's just that last night at the bar I was enjoying myself till Yvonne came up to me and started asking about you. She said you hadn't called her in ages. I told her you're not interested and that you've moved on. Then I may have accidently mentioned Kaia and stuff. It was all in the heat of the moment. I'm sorry, I didn't know she would find her", Elena says, tears almost falling from her eyes.

"You're my good friend Ash and I've let you down, I've even let Kaia down in a way".

I run my fingers through my hair. I feel so stressed out right now. The last thing I want is for Kaia to be dragged into this mess, and we're not even close to dating.

"Go apologise to Kaia. Explain everything", I say to Elena.
And with a nod she leaves my room and heads to Kaia's.

Life Of Kaia (Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن