Chapter 8 - Raven Soul

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Blair's pov:

How did they find us? What do they want with me? Will they really kill River and Alesha? All these questions went through my mind as they got closer.

"What do you want?" I asked them.

"Isn't it obvious?" The taller one said.

"We want you." The chunkier one said.

"Ew." I cringed.

"Not like that! For the boss, he is the one who needs your powers." The tall one said.

"For what?" I asked getting ready to fight.

"You'll have to wait and see." Chunky said.

At that moment I took a crutch and threw it at chunky. Then took the other and bashed Tall's head in.

Tall feel to the ground with a thud and didn't move. One down one to go.

I went for the crutch I threw at Chunky and it burst to flames. My hand burned and I dropped the flaming crutch.

So Chunky's element was fire, great.

Then River came out to see a guy passed out, his house on fire and another guy, who now had a gun in hand.

"Get down!" I shouted.

I heard two thuds as River and Alesha fell to the ground and a bullet went flying.

I dropped to the ground as the bullet flew past my face.

More buttes flew through the air as we crawled towards the back door. We made it around the corner, stood and ran to the door.

We all flew out of the house and in to the grass.  My leg hurt really bad as I applied pressure to it and I saw River holding his stomach.

We hobbled as fast as we possibly could to the car which was down the street.

I heard foot steps and another gun shot. I ducked and ran quicker.

When we made it to the car River picked Alesha up and put her in the back before getting in the drivers seat.  I hopped into the passengers seat just as River hit the gas.

The guy never stopped shooting. I was glad he didn't have good aim, like Alesha or we would all be dead.

Suddenly the windshield spiderwebs and we can't see a thing.  River drove blindly and managed to get away. Or so we think.

Then the wind shield shatters, sending flying pieces of glass all over us.

I wince as I feel the little glass piece cut me all over. The car lurches to the side of the road. River quickly turned the steering wheel and were back in the middle of the road.

He stepped on the gas and the car went forward as fast as it could. We passed the guy in the black coat, who was reloading his gun and were out of there.

River drove for an hour before pulling over.

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

"We need to get to a hospital or something, were going to die if we don't get real medical attention soon." I said.

"We can't walk into a hospital like this without an explanation. Were going to have to go back." River said.

"Go back were?" Alesha asked.

"Our old home." River said.

"There going to kill us for leaving, getting hurt, and almost killed three times." I said.

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