Chapter 63

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"Normani and Lauren like me!" Y/n yells to the phone to Kendall and the girls of Little Mix through FaceTime. She just got back to her hotel after a really nice night with Normani and she finally gets to talk about it since Normani wanted to ignore it until later.

"What the fuck?" Jesy questions in pure shock.

"This has gotta be a plot from some twisted romantic movie when the gay girls straight ex-lovers fall in love with her after realizing how fucking amazing she is." Jade says while shaking her head.

"They're obviously not straight." Kendall tells Jade while rolling her eyes playfully.

Y/n sighs while running her fingers through her hair. "This isn't from a movie, directors couldn't think of something as wicked as this." She tells the girls. "I don't know what to do. Do I try and catch feelings for them or do I ignore it until they fall for someone else?" She asks the girls.

"First." Kendall says and all eyes turn to look at her.

"The fuck?" Perrie and Leigh-Anne exclaim at the same time. "Jinx!" They yell at each other afterword.

"Listen, we can fuck with them if they think that you're falling for them!" Kendall exclaims happily then clasps her hands together. "By them, I mean Lauren. I don't mind Normani, you two are a ship." She says.

The girls of Little Mix nod their heads in agreement. "I was against the first option since you could've ended up dating Lauren, and that's gross." Leigh-Anne says then continues. "But seriously tell us more about the Normani situation, I told you guys that Y/s/n is rising!" She tells the others.

Y/n rolls her eyes. "You guys need to stop being so obsessed with my relationships." She says then tries to think of ways to say what happened between her and Normani. "One thing that really warmed my heart was that she said she wouldn't do anything to hurt me if she was dating me." She says with a small smile.

Perrie 'awe's at what Y/n said. "That's cute." She says in a high pitched voice. "Alex told me that too, and look at us now." She says while holding her hands on her heart.

"If you're up for it, you should give her a chance." Jade says and the group agrees with her.

"But if she tries anything, cut her out!" Kendall says while pretend cutting her neck with a knife.

Y/n nods her head. "I'm gonna think about it." She says and the group of girls on the phone agree with her.

"Why the fuck did you send Y/n to Texas?" Kendall asks Jade after Y/n ends the call.

Jade looks up from her phone. "I wanted her to get away from Lauren." She tells Kendall. "You're pretty late to the party." She adds on and Petrie agrees with her statement.

Kendall plops down beside Jade. "I'm not late I just keep on forgetting to ask." She says then gets back on topic. "I know she doesn't need my permission to be dating people but I would love a heads up if she's gonna go back to her ex." She says while leaning back against the couch.

"I thought we all just agreed we were for Y/s/n?" Jade asks while tilting her head to the side to show her confusion.

"And didn't she just give us a heads up?" Leigh-Anne asks the group, the rest of her group members nod their heads.

"I guess." Kendall says. "I just didn't think it would be happening this soon." She continues then looks over at Jade.

"If you're fine with it then it doesn't matter when it happens." Jesy says which ends their conversation since the show that they were watching before the call comes back on.

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