Chapter 14

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"Hello?" Kendall calls but gets no reply as her voice echoes through the house. She pursues her lips together and shrugs coming to the conclusion that no one is home.

Kendall takes out her phone and sends Y/n a quick text asking her where Shay and her went. Once the text sends, Kendall falls onto Y/ns couch and turns on the television.

Y/n and Kendall got back from their ice cream trip a few hours ago. Once they got back, Kendall decided to take a nap just as Shay was waking up from hers.

Modern Family is on so Kendall decides to keep it on since she's too lazy to change the channel. Just as Gloria yells at Joe telling him that he can't live outside, a soft knock is heard at Y/ns front door.

Kendall knows that it's not Y/n or Shay since they would just walk inside. She gets off of the couch with a groan and walks over to the door, not looking through the window to see who was at the door. Kendall opens the door and the bright suns rays blind her for a second, she covers her eyes with her hand and looks down to see Ally standing looking toward the street. Her first instinct was to punch the girl standing in front of her but she remembers that Y/n had befriended the girl now.

"Ally? Are you okay?" Kendall asks the girl softly.

Ally whips her head around and looks at Kendall, she's not sure if Y/n told Kendall that they're friends yet. "Y-yeah. Uh-is Y/n home?" Ally asks cautiously.

"No, her and Shay went somewhere but they'll probably be back soon." Kendall says while skeptically eyeing Ally. Ally nods her head as a response causing Kendall to sigh already feeling the awkwardness of this situation. "Well, come on in, I'm sure that's they'll be back soon." Kendall offers with a friendly smile on her lips.

Ally returns the smile but it reads as a nervous type of smile. She walks into Y/ns house and Kendall closes the door behind her.

sorry that this is short but my life has been really crazy lately. basically, my parents read my twitter dms and it was me saying how I'm bisexual and that I told one of my friends. so now they kinda know and have been pressuring me to tell them. yeah, sorry for the slow updates and this chapter. i promise that it will get better (I know that I say this a lot)

update: just came out to my parents


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