Stuck in Door Three

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Fuck, this is where it gets bad.

I know what happens here, I now know why me and Johnny are dressed like this. I know where we are. We're at Sherman Beach, just a few miles from my house. We came here to get one of those classic family photos, for our up coming Christmas card that following December. James and Kristie came with us, dressed the same so we could all get pictures together as well. The same picture that awful goddess burned in front of me. The same picture I burned along with many others after Kyle's graduation party.

"Hey Johnny," he spoke softly to the little boy I was facing. To my little brother. I froze right there in front of him, not being able to turn around and face the beautiful monster I used to love so much.

"Uh hi James," he paused slightly. "Hi Kristie."

My head snapped behind me as I stood up to finally face the horrors. WHY DID THIS OUT OF ALL THINGS HAVE TO HAPPEN? WAKE UP CASEY! WAKE UP! THIS IS A DREAM, A VERY BAD DREAM! WAKE ! UP ! I screamed in my head, trying to figure out what I was supposed to vocalize. Trying to figure out the right words to spit in his face. My face twisted at the both of them. Maybe a punch would suffice? To the face or to the gut?

"Hey babe," James muttered towards me. I winced at his words, it felt like a blade ran right through my heart, bringing the pain straight back to me. I couldn't help but almost melt at the word babe, even though I shouldn't have. He didn't deserve the slightest swoon from me. I couldn't even get myself to glance in the direction of my ex best friend, I was too focused on the boy I once loved in front of me. Once. I had to remind myself I didn't love him anymore, I couldn't. I only then peeled my eyes away from his beautiful ones when Kristie's words snapped me out of the trance. I was surprisingly thankful.

"We have to go take pictures now Case, lets go!" Kristie said way too enthusiastically, as if it was forced. She pulled my wrist hard as she dragged me away from James and Johnny.

"Get off of me Kristie!" I yelled, ripping her arm off of me. I wasn't going down without a fight, especially now. I rolled my sleeves up, and crossed my arms at my chest. I stood tall, trying my best to make myself feel and look as confident as possible, even though I was probably minutes away from collapsing to the ground.

"Casey!" Johnny yelled to me as he ran over to my side, grabbing on to my hip in the process. James trailing slowly behind him towards our small group. "I have to go Casey, I'm sorry but I can't stay."

"Johnny no — what? Where are you going? Can you get me out of here? " I questioned, hoping the eight year old could finally be my savior. "I'm not leaving you alone, and I'm not leaving here without you!"

"I'm sorry Casey, I love you so much. I'll miss you for the rest of my life." And with that he took off running the direction we had came from. My world started to crumble and there was nothing I could do about it. This is where it gets worse.

"No! Johnny, come back!" I screamed and started after him until a strong arm gripped mine. My head snapped back again towards the piercing green eyes I was hoping to never see again.

"Get the fuck off of me you pig! I'm going after my brother!"

"Not so fast Case, you're not going anywhere." James said with a devilish grin. "Not until we get our picture first."

"You're actually insane if you think I'm taking a picture with you!" I exclaimed, putting as much hate as I possibly could in my voice. I tried my best to loosen his grip, but it wasn't enough. Nothing would ever be enough to stop him from hurting me.

"Oh but that's where you're so wrong babe!"

With one swoop, I was hoisted up in the air and thrown onto his shoulder. My feet were slightly raised and my hands were on his back. I looked up to see Kristie holding her phone ready to take a picture. I started slamming on his back demanding him to put me down, all he did was laugh in return.

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