The First Door

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I scanned the doors in front of me. I knew for some reason or another, I had to go inside at least one of them. There has to be some sort of clue as to where I am, or maybe even how I got here. Maybe one will lead me out somehow. But they all look the same, how will I know which one is the right one?

I decided to leave the questions for later, and figured I might as well go for the first door, all the way on the left. I slowly opened it, completely unaware of what I would find on the other side: more white walls, but fortunately this time I'm not alone. Is that really something to be fortunate about? What if it's that girl again? Hopefully who ever it is will be able to give me some fucking answers as to where the hell I am and who's doing this to me.

The temperature drop was intense as I started to walk towards the opposite side of the empty room, towards the figure in front of me. I noticed it was a taller woman dressed in all black with brown hair. Mom? Is that you? I started running towards her, screaming and yelling for her help.

"Mom! Mom please help me! I don't know where I am! Please tell me you know how to get out of here!"

No answer. The room felt endless, as if it kept stretching so I couldn't reach her. I slowed my pace, catching my breath and called out once more, "M-mom please help me! Please t-turn a-around!"

Uneasiness washed over me, as I began to shiver and the woman gradually turned around to me. This had to be some fucked up dream, there was no way that was my mother. It couldn't be! Could it? My mother was almost unrecognizable, her face was distorted, as she flashed me a twisted smile. I've never seen her this way before, she seemed so different. There was a look she held in her eyes that made me feel sick. Something bad is about to happen. I stopped in my tracks as a man started to walk over to her from the other side of the room, dressed from head to toe in black, mimicking her appearance. Dad? Where did he come from? What's going on?

"I'm so cold," I said through my chattering teeth. "P-please tell me what's g-going on. What h-hap-ppened-d to me? How did-d we all get h-here? I want t-to go h-home! Just t-tell me h-how to w-wa-ake up!"

"Oh Casey, don't be scared," the woman before me said with venom laced throughout her voice. I started to shiver harder than before.

"You know we would wouldn't ever hurt you sweetheart," the man responded, lightly squeezing the woman's hand beside him. They both seemed to be completely unfazed by the freezing temperature in the room. "Isn't that right honey?" If they were really my parents, why would they assume I'd think they'd hurt me? Casey — it's time to wake the hell up now.

They both had big grins plastered across their faces as they turned back towards me. I noticed that the woman who looked like mother —but didn't — gripped a knife in her hand, quickly putting it behind her as if I didn't see.

"Of course dear, we wouldn't ever do such a thing!" she said while beginning to walk towards me. I smiled nervously as I began to walk in reverse, in attempts of reaching the door before they did me.

"M-m-mom, are you okay? You're acting a b-bit s-strange," I said biting my tongue. She has a fucking knife! Why on Earth would you say that? I wanted to slap myself in the face for the immediate regret I would face after asking that mere question.

"Don't you see? Mommy's not here right now," her voice deepened as she spoke. Her and the man who I thought was my father broke into a sick laughter.

I immediately turned and sprinted back towards the red door. I could hear their laughter echoing behind me and it sent chills down my spine. Without even needing to look behind me, I knew they were coming after me. I heard footsteps quicken and as I reached for the door, the woman lunged at me, grabbing my hair, yanking my head back hard. I screamed in pain as she began laughing once more and dragged my body away from the door.

"Not so fast darling, you're not going anywhere," she whispered sweetly into my ear.

She pulled me up by my hair and I could literally feel it ripping from the roots. I screamed out again louder this time, stretching out for the door knob even though I knew it was out of reach. The man slapped my hand away, and got in my face, "do that again and you'll fucking die." As if they actually weren't already planning to kill me.

I couldn't say a word, my body was so tense and my lips felt like they were frozen shut. Maybe they really were. I was on my knees with my back towards the two of them, and the door staring directly at me. The woman started toying with me, placing the knife on my shoulder, moving it around my neck and down my chest as she walked in front of me.

"Nothing is stopping me from shoving this right through your tiny little body."

I tried to hold back the tears as they slowly started to fall down my cheeks. I wasn't ready to die. I need to get out of here. I need to go home. I need to wake up; it's just a Dream right? There's no way this could be real!

"Oh would you look at that! Our little baby is starting to cry!" She said as her menacing laugh rang through my ears once more. I knew was never going to be able get that sound out of my head again.

She lifted the knife away from my stomach as she started to stand and I knew this was my one chance. I winced as I grabbed the ice cold knife by the blade, biting my lip hard as it unforgivingly sliced at my fingers. I pushed her to the ground as I stood up and threw the knife at the man, hitting him directly in the shoulder. I ran for the door but she grabbed at my leg, sending me straight to the floor again.

I didn't hesitate to kick her down as she began to rise. I scrambled towards the door, regaining my strength in enough time as the man pulled the knife out and ran towards me. I darted out of the endless white abyss, slamming the door in his face. I held the door shut for a while to ensure they wouldn't escape and come after me again.

I slid down the first red door, completely out of breath, still beyond confused on what had just happened and how I even made it out of there alive. This is the kind of shit you see in horror movies, this can't be real! And then I thought to myself: it's not, it can't be. It's just a nightmare, I'm still sleeping. Yeah I'm definitely still sleeping, I just need to figure out how to wake up soon. I'll wake up soon right?

That's all I could hope for as I sat there with my head in my hands and my back up against that goddamn red door.

I stood up, in the white room filled with red doors and wiped my blood fingers on my jeans. I tried my best to prepare myself, for whatever may lie ahead of me, behind that second red door.

Authors Note:

hey guys! I really hope you like this update, I tried my best to make it longer than the first one and I'm actually really proud of it! hope y'all are excited to see what lies behind door #2 ;)

edit - I added a picture of who I see Casey as! if you don't see her that way, then that's okay but I just figured I'd let you all know what I believe Casey to look like when I'm writing :)

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