Chapter 20

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Scarlett's POV

When we reached the stage, Eros came forward and put his hand in front of me. Richie left my arm with a kiss on my cheek and with not forgetting to give Eros a nod.

It's show time.

I nervously put my hand in Eros's hand and climbed up the stage.

"You look gorgeous" he said with a smile.

I blushed, but was still nervous about what was going to happen.

Eros didn't forget to give my hand a squeeze of assurance.

We both were standing hand in hand in front of the priest. He was still staring me with an intense gaze.

I was getting nervous with all the gazes and mostly because of Eros gaze.

The Priest started to tell us our vows which we both repeated after him.

"Do you Mr. Eros Jordan accept Ms. Scarlett Miller as your lawfully wedded wife and to cherish her and love her with all your heart?" The priest asked Eros.

Eros looked into my eyes then said "I do".

Everyone in the crowd hooted and clapped for him.

"Do you Ms. Scarlett Miller accept Mr. Eros Jordan as your lawfully wedded husband and to cherish him and love him with all your heart?" The priest asked me this time.

Its the time now.. no going back.. you have to do this for you mom.

I took a deep breath..

"I do" I nervously said.

This time crowd hooted and clapped for me.

"You both may now exchange the rings" the priest said.

We both exchanged the rings.

"I now announce you both lawfully wedded husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" The priest said.

Eros removed the veil from my face and moved his face forward.

"Finally, Mrs. Jordan" he said with a smile.

And touched my lips with his.

Sparks ignited throughout my body.

We both pulled away when the crowd cheered and clapped for both of us. Everyone was so happy and cheery, I can't help but smile at them.

Because they're not the one who's going to live with Mr. Rude.

And with that my smile flew away.

Eros slid his hand on my waist and showed his dimply smile to everyone.

I hope I took right decision to marry him and everything goes well.


We both were seated on the chairs which are alloted for us.

"You are looking so gorgeous today Mrs. Eros Jordan" he teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you Mr. Jordan" I smiled.

Suddenly he took a hold of my hand in a tight grip.

"Now you are my lawfully wedded wife, so what do you think we should do after the party?" He seductively said.

What is going in his mind?

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