Chapter 27: Jealous Type pt 2

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An Hour Earlier

I sighed knocking on Erica's door hoping she would answer. It's been a few days of not talking to my best friend and I missed her. I had Jace on my hip and Morgan to the side of me. She couldn't turn us down. "Come on Erica, I know you're in there," I said.

"Who is it? She answered.

"It's me" I spoke. "Me who? She asked. I rolled my eyes. "You know who it is... come on, open the door" I begged. "I don't want to talk to you," she said. "I brought you some cupcakes and a milkshake from chic fil a," I said. She quickly opened the door with her hand on her hip. "Hey" I smiled

"Hi, Morgan... Hi, Jacey" she took him from me. "Godmommy missed you so much," she said planting him with kisses. I walked in closing the door behind me. Morgan made herself comfortable eating her food. "Can we talk? I asked. She shrugged her shoulders as I followed her to her kitchen. She grabbed her milkshake drinking it. "I just want to tell you that, I hear your concerns and I know you're just being a good friend but I have to do what's best for me," I said. She didn't say anything, she crossed her arms.

"I shouldn't have spazzed out on you like that. I just know the kind of guy he is, he's a gangster basically. I don't want you to get used" she said

I sighed "I have days when I feel like he'd hurt me but then he just makes me feel secured kinda. It's weird like of course I feel safe around him-

"Yeah until you do something he doesn't like" she finished. "I know but I have to sacrifice for mine. That's just what it is" I said.

"I hear you, I mean you're right. I'm not a single parent and I don't have a sibling to take care of. I have family and I forgot about your struggles. I just don't want anything to happen to you" she said getting emotional. "Aww, Erica you're gonna make me cry" I hugged her. "I love you, you're my best friend Jo. You deserve the fucking world and I don't want him to take that away from you" she said as we both let go. I wiped her eyes "He offered to pay for Morgan's tuition" I said.

"Oh shit, well bitch maybe this may work out," she said and I began to laugh. "I didn't make a decision on it. He's given me so many handouts and I don't want to be reminded of all the things he's done for me" I sighed.

"I still hate this whole idea but... Morgan is a special little girl. She's going to flourish regardless of what kind of school she's in but it'll be good for college it is K-12" she said

I sighed "Yeah, I'll just pay him back in a few years" I laughed. "That'll work... well let me see the ring," she said. I slowly lifted up my hand. "I'm about to take it off," I said.

"Wow, It's gorgeous," she said. "It is.... I just hope one day. I'll really get engaged, it kind of sucks because I can't really date like that. Probably now but once people start knowing about this little scam my dating life will be over" I whined.

"Hey, its only temporary right"

"Right, plus I have a backup if this shit blows up in my face," I said. "That's my girl," she said. "Well, um. I gotta head home-

"To your daddy" she joked. I rolled my eyes "Bitch bye" I said. "I gotta get Morgan ready for school and you know how that works"

"How is it? She likes living there"

"Girl does she. She and Ricky are best friends as soon as she sees him she doesn't know who the hell I am" I said

"That's cute... well I ain't scared of his family. So if anything goes down you let me know" she said. "You already know," I said hugging her. "Come on Morgan," I said.

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