+Bonus Chapter+

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"Take this" Carl said, handing Miller a diaper bag then handing over baby Madeline after ushering him out the door.

Miller knitted his brow in confusion, taking Madeline and putting the diaper bag over his shoulders. He didn't know what was happening. One minute they were cuddling on the couch watching a movie while Madeline slept and the next he was being told to leave.

"What are you up to?" Miller asked, he knew the look on Carl's face to know that something was up. Whenever something was up with Carl, Miller never knew what to expect.

"Go spend the day with Madeline here or hang out with Eric" he replied, dodging Miller's previous question. Kissing his daughter on her cheeks. "I love you both" he gave Miller a quick kiss on the lips.

Before Miller could reply Carl had already closed the door. He sighed, looking at Madeline and said, "Daddy kicked us out for the day" he joked, kissing her multiple times on the cheeks as they made way to the car.

Miller's mind kept wondering what Carl was up to. The last time he acted that way was when he proposed to Miller. Knowing Carl he can be tight lipped when it came to keeping secrets. He placed Madeline in the back seat, putting the diaper bag beside her. Closing the car door, Miller saw an unfamiliar car pull up on the curb. He watched as a casually dressed blonde hair woman came out. She gave Miller a small smile as she continued to the front door.

"Excuse me" Miller called out to her, making her stop half way and turned to look at him. "Do I know you?" He's seen plenty of Carl's business partners and recently formed friends but he's never seen her before.

The woman raised a brow, her face relaxed as she came to some sort of conclusion. "I'm afraid not Miller" she said, smiling. He was taken back by the fact she knew his name. "Is it okay if I call you that" she added. Miller nodded, still trying to figure out if he's seen her before. "I might've come a bit too early" she looked at her watch.

"Early?" Miller raised a brow, crossing his arms over his chest while leaning onto the car. He looked inside to see Madeline finding the diaper bag interesting. "Early for what?" Miller asked, looking back at the woman.

He seemed to have put her on the spot. She opened her mouth a few times to say something but stopped herself. "I can't say" she finally spoke. "Now if you'll excuse me"

"Why can't you" Miller asked, his curiosity was getting the best of him. "I'm his husband I think I need to know what he's up to"

The front door opened and Carl walked out as if on queue. He was shocked to see that Miller was still there and his guest had arrived. Carl jogged down the stairs, saying something to the blonde woman for only her to hear. She nodded and replied, giving Miller a small smile before heading inside. Carl then made way over to Miller. He began opening the door of the drivers section only for it to be closed by Carl before he could enter.

"I thought you left already" he said, taking Miller's hand in his.

"A certain someone stopped me" Miller replied, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Stop sulking" Carl kissed his lips.

"I'll stop if you tell me what you're up to" Miller shifted his head as Carl was heading in for another kiss. He kissed him on his cheek instead.

"You know I'm not going to do that" he replied. "Just head over to Eric's and I'll call you when I'm done. I promise you'll love it"

"You love keeping me in the dark don't you"

"I'm a man of surprises" he said, bracing himself upon Miller who was trapped between the car and his loving husband. "Now leave before I want you to stay even more" his hand travelled to Miller's butt giving it a quick squeeze before he backed away. Giving Miller one last kiss he headed inside before he could give in to his urges.

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