Part 7.

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Miller got home around a quarter to seven. Seeing the annoying Marty Barty sign added to his frustration. He would soon have to go to work and see that annoying man.

Be his butler.

Miller scoffed. There was no way he would accept such a request.

Pulling the doors open he saw Crystal sitting at her usual desk. Upon seeing Miller she eyed him suspiciously. His reputation was well known in Marty Barty. Those who hadn't seen his work at best were sure to hear about it. Crystal watched Miller until he got into the elevator. The grumpy look his face made her cautious. What happened last time couldn't happen again.

"Goodbye Crystal." Miller waved as the elevator doors closed.

Miller tapped his feet as he waited impatiently for the elevator to reach his floor. He was tired and at this point he couldn't get any sleep. His mood was already sour and he had to be around Carl for the rest of the day. One simple night changed his life took away all his sunshine and left him with rain. 

Just how much longer did he have to be at wits end. The elevator door opened and the first thing Miller saw was Marty. The bald headed man with his unusual belly size was hard to miss. He had some tape and a piece paper.

Miller's anger rose even more. It was too early for Marty to be doing something to anger him. Yes, he owned the place but that didn't give him the right to put up his shitty artwork on his door.

"Hey! Marty what the hell are you doing!" Miller yelled as he stormed down the Hallway.

Marty turned to look at the angry man. He kept his composure and patted his belly a few times. "Miller, how you doing?"

"Just shut up!" He snapped. Miller used his hands to hold the half taped paper. "What is this?" Miller couldn't believe his eyes. Another truck had run him over with no warning. His life was really going downhill.

"A notice" Marty said simply. "You have to leave by today"

"Why?" Miller knees felt weak. Was this because of his scene in the lobby a few days ago?

"Some guy bought this place last night," Marty smiled widely. "All in cash."

"What does that have to do with me?"

Marty furrowed his brows then remembered. "He said he would add extra cash if I told you to leave."

Miller's jaw drop. Again he was thrown away for money. He clenched his fist and asked. "Who?"

Marty though for a bit. "Carl," he scratched his overgrown beard. "Edwin I think his last name was."

Miller could feel his blood boil. First Paris now his apartment. Carl was getting on his last nerve. He needed to do something about the man and quick. Miller couldn't have him ruining his life any further. 

He stormed out the same way he came in. Miller impatiently pressed the button to the first floor. Mr. Turner just happened to be in the elevator to witness his fellow tenants wild behavior. If the man could distance himself anymore in the small room he would. That's how much he wished not to be in Miller's presence. 

Miller was out the elevator door as soon as it open. Having squeezed through the small opening. Miller furiously pushed the doors of Marty Barty open. He was heading to the same address Carl had texted him earlier. As he drove he thought of all the awful things he would do to Carl. The man was like a pimple that Miller couldn't get rid of.

As he drove around the familiar fountain. Miller didn't care to park decently. The slamming of his car door could be heard a mile away. Miller at his peak of anger didn't bother to knock, he barged straight in. "Carl!" He shouted.

"No need to shout," Carl scratched his ear. He was sitting on the stairs of the two way spiral stairs. His lips curves into a smile as he watched a distressed Miller.

"You bastard," Miller aggressively grabbed his collar. "You bought that stupid apartment just to kick me out."

Carl took Miller's trembling hands away from his now crushed shirt. They were shaking due to how angry and frustrated he was. Miller yanked his hand away from him. "You got here earlier than expected," Carl ruffled his hair as he stood. "Ten minutes earlier than I anticipated."

"Cut the bullshit!" Miller growled. He frantically looked around the room. Was there something he could use to knock him over the head.

"I told you to be my butler," Carl said. "Things wouldn't have turned out this way Miller. This is what happens when you don't do what I want."

How could Paris pick such a evil person over the goodhearted Miller. The answer was simple yet he still questioned the whole ordeal. Miller stared Carl dead in the eyes. He needed to calm himself. If he wanted to win he had to fight fire with fire.

He thought of all the opportunities he had just by being there. He recalled painfully how Paris was going to move in with Carl. The situation was going to be a tough one to endure. If he wanted to split the two up, he had to be within reach of his enemies and most of all, he had to know Carl's weaknesses.

Miller smiled widely. His eyes sparkled with kindness. "Haha, I'm such a fool," Carl for once was at a loss with the man sudden change. "Who would be crazy enough to refuse such an offer," Miller knocked himself atop his head. "I mean I get to stay in such a huge house, even rooming with the CEO of the world known Edwin enterprises," Miller smiled delightfully. "I'm so lucky."

Carl didn't know what to say. Miller had agreed to his demand. Yet he couldn't shake his odd behavior. "Where's my room?" Miller said as he pushed pass Carl and began climbing the stairs. Carl had yet again scored another point. What he failed to notice was the fiery flames in Miller's eyes.

 He was in for a storm and that storm was Miller.


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