First Date

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Kate got of the plane while she texted her new roommate, asking him if he would come pick her up from Historic Sanfrancisco, as her first time out of Florida, he came and picked her up showing her the best candy shop in Frisco. When they got in the car they talked about random  things from the past. She she had been planning on seeing into a date with a friend from California, and Historic Sanfrancisco was the perfect place! Later on that day Brandon (the roommate) showed her the car he got her, because sometimes Lyft won't cut it, and it is too dangerous for a 18 year old girl to walk.
Monday, the next week she asked her friend to meet her at the beach so they could swim, then have lunch at Historic Sanfrancisco, he was excited, so she wore a black sundress that had pink roses on it. When he came they talked, and talked, then got lunch, and went to the candy shop, and then they watched the sunset, soon heading back to her house, she couldn't help but realize that Tyler (the Californian friend/date) kept staring at her breasts, she just assumed her dress was too showy. They walked into the apartment then introduced Tyler to Brandon, Brandon gave Tyler a really weird look, but then mumbled something under his breath that Kate couldn't quite hear. But Tyler heard it real well and softly said "No, I wont." And Brandon gave him a really mean look. When they walked into her room Tyler pushed her down and said that if she screamed she was as good as dead. She quietly said ok. He took her dress and bra off, as soon as that happened Brandon ran into the room with his gun pointed at Tyler, Tyler froze and sat there in shock, Brandon yelled at the top of his lungs, "I'm not gonna have a fu*king rapist in my house!!!" Then came over, grabbed Kate, and pushed her toward the doorway, then told her to call the cops, while proceeding not to look at her naked little woman body. He pushed Tyler down then Kate dialed 911. About 5 minutes later the police came, and arrested Tyler. Brandon slipped off his My chemical romance shirt and handed it to her. Her face flushed red. He giggled, she realized how handsome he was, even without a shirt. His bare, masculent chest made her blush even more.

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