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Kevin opened the door for me and reached his hand out for me to hold. I grabbed his hand and got off the car and looked at the place the ball was taking place. It was a hotel the company had rented for the night. It was indeed beautiful, I've never been to this hotel before. The lights that adored it made it stood out from miles away. Kevin tossed the key to the valet. The valet then drove away, people dressed in their best gowns and tuxes passed us and entered the place. Kevin smiled at me holding my arm. "You look beautiful," he whispered as we walked up the stairs.

"Thank you," I choose to accept the compliment even though I knew I didn't look that beautiful tonight. I wore a red gown that fitted the curves my mama gave me. I wore some golden stilittoes that matched the zipper of my dress. My hair was in a high bun. I wore a gold necklace and bracelet, nothing elegant.

"You do," Kevin repeated as if he knew I was questioning his compliment. I simply gave him a small smile and continued to walk into the ball. We arrived in the room where it was held, there already people chatting with each other, drinking wine, and some dancing to the classical music being played low in the background by the band. They looked so passionate up there and as they closed their eyes and played the violin, piano, guitar, and other instruments. I was always a hip-hop girl, but I couldn't help but enjoy the slow song being played. I spotted a few people I know from when I used to work there, they waved and smiled at me. Kevin walked us to the table we would be sitting for the night.

I spotted his father who walked up to us and gave me a hug, "you look so beautiful, sweetheart," he said as he pulled away. I smiled and mouthed him a thank you. He gave Kevin a handshake which was weird considering all his family were huggers and always greeted and said goodbye to each other with a hug. His father then asked him something which I supposed was related to business and Kevin answered. I got bored as the two men talked, Kelly then came up to me greeting me and repeating what both his brother and father had said.

"Thank you," I said. "You look beautiful also," I said looking at her royal blue gown. She mouthed me a thank you then excused herself.

"I'll see you later, dear," Mr. Reynolds said. I nodded my head and I watched as he left and went to stand with a group of men. A caterer passed around with wine, I stopped her and took a glass out of nervousness. I loved parties, but this definitely was not my scene. I loved parties I could shake my booty to, I could hear Lucy in my head telling me how ghetto I was. I chuckled just thinking about how her voice would sound. I still did not understand why she would call me ghetto simply because I liked to move my body. I never even been to a ghetto, but I guess being black means getting called ghetto regardless of where you're from.

"What's so funny?" Kevin asked beside me. I shook my head and he smiled. A man came up to us smiling at Kevin.

"Oh man, how long has it's been?" He asked. He shook Kevin's hand and gave him a hug. I never met him before, when he pulled away I started to study his features. He was tall, well-built man with dark hair. His tux fitted him perfectly, he turned his grey eyes to me smiling with his pearly white teeth. "Who's this cutie?" He asked. I chuckled, he thought I was cute. It wasn't that I didn't know, it was just a weird way to describe me. I was a grown woman, I don't even have any cute features anymore. I have no dimples, I wasn't smiling, why did he choose to call me cute?

"This is Brianna," Kevin said pointing at me. "And Bri, this is Bruce, an old friend of mine," Kevin said pointing at him. I smiled, I was about to reach out my hand to shake his, but he pulled me into a hug. I didn't hug back, he was stranger, why would he hug me? He pulled away and gave me a smile to die for.

"The famous Brianna," he said. "So, you're the one that kept me from stealing his heart?" He asked. I stared at them both awkwardly, he's gay, I should've realized that.

"I'm sorry," I said not knowing if he wanted to hear an apology from me. "I'm gonna go," I said. I didn't know why I said that I felt awkward being there, I felt like I needed to get away. Kevin tried to grab me but I got away before he had a chance. I walked to one of the corners with a high people where a few people were just drinking and actually paying attention to the music. I took a sip of my wine and relaxed to enjoy the song.

I could now understand why people enjoyed classical music, it was calm yet you could feel so much emotion from it. From the way the player plays to how each note is hit, you can understand if the person is sad, mad, or happy. Hands clapping brought me back to earth as the song ended. The players stopped for a moment and started something new. I turned to see if I spotted Kevin, he was at the entrance talking to Bruce still. I must've left ten minutes ago, how much can he possibly say to a stranger? Kevin smiled as their conversation continued, Bruce moved closer to him and put his hand on his waist. Kevin did not do anything to stop, I sighed and tried to assure myself there was nothing to be jealous of. He technically was not my man and I couldn't care who touched him.

He removed his hand after a few and then left, I turned my attention back to the music and tried to get the thought out of my head. "There you are," Kevin's voice said behind me. I ignored him and clapped along as the song ended again, someone took the stage probably to the awards that were also part of the party. "Hey, you okay?" Kevin asked coming to stand beside me. I nodded my head, "what is it?" He asked me.

"It's nothing," I tried to assure him. The lady started to call people out there, one by one they got their awards and left.

"You're clearly angry, what did I do?" He asked again.

"You didn't do anything," I whispered to him trying to disturb what was happening in front of us.

"Bri, just tell me," he said. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, Kevin. Maybe I'm mad because you almost had sex with him right here!" I felt the room go silent, the lady was no longer talking through the microphone, the people were no longer clapping. It was as if time had stopped, pure silence. I looked around me, everyone was now staring at Kevin and I. I put my head down out of embarrassment, I did not mean to say that out loud. People started whispering to each other, Kevin looked around and then at me. He huffed and left to go outside. "Kev," I ran after him. I did not just do that, he was the boss of all these people.

I really did not mean to say that out loud, I guess I was so angry that it came out loud. He was outside already when I caught up with him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," I told him. "I just, I'm so sorry."

He closed his eyes, "you wanted to move on, you said you forgave me, I didn't force you too. People who forgive don't do the crap you just did."


How was everyone's weekend? Did anything fun and interesting?

I didn't, I was busy enjoying my bed...

Au Revoir...

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