Chapter Two

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'Is there anything wrong, doctor?' I ask him as he continues on his checkup, making sure that nothing was seriously bad. Toby continuously squeezed my hand in an attempt to reassure me but the only thing it did was frustrate me more and more every single time.

I didn't even know this guy, yet he still thought that physical contact was still okay with a complete stranger. I slap his hand away. 'Don't touch me.' I hiss at Toby.

'Fine, geez woman.' He rolls his eyes.

Turning my attention back to the doctor, he finishes up and looks at me with a smile. 'Miss Maxwell, it seems like nothing is wrong,' I sigh in relief. 'You just have to relax for a few days and eventually you will feel better. Only a small bump to your head, that's all.'

I thank the doctor as he walks out of the room. Looking at his skateboard really wants to snap it clean in half and pretend this moment never happened. He then meets my gaze and I look up at him. Toby looks really guilty and my heart aches a little bit at the sight.

Maybe it felt too early to forgive him yet, but there's no way I want to leave him this hurt inside and out. 'I forgive you, it wasn't your fault.' I tell him with a small smile.

I notice the wash of relief come over his face and the aching in my heart finally goes away, unlike the pain in my head. He scratches his scalp. 'I thought it would've taken longer for you to forgive me,' He says with a chuckle. 'You seem like a fierce girl, somebody who doesn't give up easily. It would have explained your habit with stealing cheeseburgers.' He shrugs.

'Oh, I'm definitely a fierce girl, don't get that wrong,' I say with a laugh before a idea popped into my head. 'I've thought of something very risky that the both of us could do.'

He wiggles his eyebrows. 'What is it?'

I clasp my hands together. 'I was thinking of completing a mission,' I say in a mysterious voice. 'Since I was fired from that cheeseburger joint where you smashed into me in front of, maybe we could continue to steal cheeseburgers from there without anybody noticing us.'

A wide grin creeps upon his lips and I know he's really excited about this idea. Maybe this would also be a way to get to know each other. 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B1?' He laughs.

'I think I am, B2!' I respond, giggling.

'It's stealing cheeseburgers time!' Toby exclaims, throwing us both into fits of laughter. It stops when my iPhone rings and I realise that I forgot to call my mum. With a breath and my life flashing before me, I take it out of my pocket and lift it up to my ear, my heart thumping.

'Bianca Maxwell, where the heck are you!' Mum screams furiously.

This response was definitely expected from my tardiness.

'Don't worry mum, I'm just at the doctors,' I say calmly, shooting Toby a glare at the same time. 'But you shouldn't worry, there's nothing seriously wrong with me or anything.'

This won't earn a calm response. 'What piece of crap make you end up at the doctor,' She screams even louder. 'I swear, I will personally kill and skin them right now.'

I look up at Toby and snarl at him, earning a frightened response. 'It's fine mum, I just fell over on the concrete and just got checked out to see if I have any broken bones,' I keep calm under her panicked tone. 'Can you please come over and pick me up now.'

'Fine.' She mumbles before the line goes dead.

I slip it back into my pocket and looked back at Toby. 'I'm about to be picked up by my mother,' I explain to him. 'You might want to stay back if you don't want to be skinned.'

'Thanks for the warning.' He chuckles as I wave goodbye and walk out of the room. Today has certainly been a weird day but in the end, maybe it was fate.

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