Chapter Six of Scooby Doo Meets The Beatles

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"What was that?" Fred asked.

Brian laughed, albeit nervously before standing in between the Fab Four and the Mystery Gang. 

"You see young Fred, " Brian tried to explain, but couldn't find anything else on his mind. "What John meant is by--" 

"--Is that you have the most fabulous hair I have ever seen." John complimented. 

Fred blushed. John complimented my hair!

While this was happening, Paul took a very good look at Daphne. Darn, this girl was fashionable with her hair, clothes, and shoes. Paul felt like a schoolgirl at a fashion show.

Daphne giggled.

''Oh, how I must say, you look very adorable!'' Paul squealed. Daphne squealed back too. 

Velma noticed this, whispering devilishly at the former, ''Knight in shinin' armor for you, princess?''

''Aw zip it, Velma.'' Daphne hissed back. 

''Oh I know how you feel girl,'' Paul said sassily, walking closer to the spoiled girl. 

''I have to tolerate that all day long.'' Paul pointing his thumb at John.

''Say what, Macca?'' John quipped, eyes popping out. 

''You heard me,'' Paul retorted as he turned to John. ''I have to put up with your wittiness every single day; from your constant ranting about monkeys...''

''Umm--Mr. McCartney?'' Daphne sweatdropped, trying to get Paul's attention.

''Please Daphne, call me Paul.'' Paul returned to Daphne in a much more flamboyant tone. 

''To your constant whining at either Ringo or Brian, and when—-''

''Okay Paul, WE GET IT!'' interrupted Brian. Brian sighed, ''Okay, how about John, Paul, Fred Jones, and Daphne Blake all wait outside until Ringo and George get acquainted with young Norville and--'' Brian gestured at Scooby, who was wagging his tail and slobbering his tongue at Ringo. 

''--that.'' Brian pointed at Scooby. ''Have fun!'' Brian said at the two. The manager escorted the others out of the house. While on the way out, those remaining could hear John and Paul argue at each other while Brian tried to cool off their situation with the same old warnings. The others--George, Ringo, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby--were watching until the coast was clear. Once John and Paul disappeared, they all brought their attention back to each other; George to Velma, Velma to George, Ringo to Shaggy and Scooby, and lastly Shaggy and Scooby to Ringo. 

''So,'' Velma bought up, referring to George. '''I must be standing in front of the world's greatest musicians?'' 

''Hm?'' George said, ''Oh yes, one of the world's greatest,'' Then, he pulled out a sandwich and bit into it. 

''Ooooh...'' Velma awed, thinking that George eating was absolutely dreamy. 

As George was still munching away, Ringo was looking at Shaggy and Scooby, but mostly at Scooby. Scooby was wagging his tail and still slobbering his tongue away just a few feet away from him. Somewhere deep inside, Ringo always thought that dogs were dangerous, especially what happened with Ronny. 

George finished his sandwich and quickly nudged his right elbow on Ringo's left forearm. 

'' 'Ey Rings, shouldn't you be finishing up?'' the guitarist said to his drummer. Ringo turned to George, his blue eyes locking without George's deliciously brown eyes for a second. Somewhere deep, Ringo felt kind of odd when he looked straight into George's eyes. It wasn't a type of bad odd, but more of a good odd?

Ringo immediately broke from his gaze. ''Oh sorry, George, it's just that I sense something evil from this dog.'' 

Scooby was awestruck, after hearing Ringo say that he felt evil from him, but Shaggy immediately stepped in. 

''But Scooby is not an evil dog, '' Shaggy said, rubbing his best friend's ears. ''Scooby's a good dog, and he's my best friend too! He even likes you, may I call you, Ringo!''

''It's fine young Norville--if you call me by my pen name, but--something about dogs really, really, scares me. Even--what happened, with my albino twin brother Ronny...''

''Say what?!'' Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby said in unison. 

George immediately butted in for Ringo, ''He's right kids. Ringo here has an albino twin brother named Ronny, but frankly, he doesn't like to talk about him much.'' 

''It's true, the reason why I am scared of dogs is that my brother pulled a prank on me...'' Ringo said.

''Whoa, what happened?'' Shaggy asked.

Ringo began to sweat and gulp. ''You see, Ronny  put a vicious dog in my room for...''

''For what?'' Velma asked.

''For touching his gun..'' Ringo ended.

The three kids really awed. Ringo thought that Ronny was scary, especially when he got mad over Ringo, but--Ringo knows Ronny didn't mean being mad at him. 

George sighed, ''Come children, we must join the others for 'today's magical events'.'' 

''Oh yes!'' Ringo quickly snapped up, back in his happy state. George smiled. He always loved seeing Ringo happy, even when situations were tough.

''Oh!'' Shaggy perked up. ''Mr. Epstein said that we have VIP passes to all of London's finest attractions and not to mention... restaurants!''

As George, Ringo, and the three kids were walking out, the two men carried on smiling at each other.

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