Scooby Doo Meets The Beatles

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It was a rather bright and shining day over the town of Coolsville. It was 1965, and the gang of little meddling kids was at their usual diner. On the farthest side on the right, was Scooby-Doo and Norville--Shaggy--Rogers eating ice cream sundaes mixed with mustard and chocolate sauce. The sundae they were eating carried scoops of ice cream such as; chocolate, banana, vanilla, bubblegum, pistachio, even a custom of theirs, sweet mustard ice cream with bacon bits and pickles. 

Next to them, was short little Velma Dinkley, wearing her large circular glasses, and engrossed in the encyclopedia that was given as her birthday gift. Surely, she didn't mind Scooby and Shaggy in their 'little' snack time, but when she reading next to them, she couldn't take it. Sitting next to her was Daphne who had her elbows on the table and chin on her palms, small red hearts coming from her head, admiring the picture of Paul McCartney, the bassist of the Beatles. Paul was Daphne's favorite Beatle out of the Fab Four.

Not only did Daphne love the Beatles, but Velma, Shaggy, Scooby, even Fred also loved the Beatles. Fred wasn't there with them at the diner, he's off somewhere. Probably looking for some mystery to solve, or spying on Red Herring, who he thinks is a bad guy.

Scooby and Shaggy were eating their sundae so fast, drops of the ice cream began to splatter everywhere. Ice cream splattered on the table, the windows, even on the counter where the man working there had just cleaned it. The man at the counter cursed as his perfect countertop was ruined.

The ice cream even landed on Velma's book, causing her to scold, ''Hey!'' 

The ice cream drops even landed on Daphne's prized picture of Paul. As soon as the ice cream drop fell on the frame, Daphne was completely taken aback. Oh no, those two little food-loving goofballs had just ruined her picture of Paul! The spoiled girl's face grew as red as a tomato when more drops of ice cream splattered on her face. 

''Man, like that, was a good sundae, wasn't it Scoob?'' Shaggy asked his dog friend as he rubbed his full stomach. Scooby slurped as if agreeing with his friend. That was when the Daphne bomb just went off on them, Daphne pointing a finger at them.


Scooby and Shaggy were taken quite aback, eyes growing out of their heads as Shaggy nervously asked. ''L-l-l-like, wh-wh-what's wr-wr-wrong, Daph?!'' 


Velma groaned, ''You see guys, Daphne's picture of Paul McCartney is quite valuable to her, and you just smeared your ice cream all over her picture, and may I remind you my Encyclopedia!''

Scooby and Shaggy shook more in fear as Shaggy questioned, ''Y-y-yeah?! S-so?!''

''SO!? SO!?'' Daphne wailed, before bursting into tears. ''It's Paul McCartney!!!'' 

''W-well, sorry, Daph.'' Shaggy apologized.

Daphne just kept on crying, while Velma grabbed napkins from the middle of the table, and started to wipe her book cover clean. Velma sighed, handing a napkin to Daphne, whose makeup was running. ''Here Daphne, here's a napkin to wipe that stuff off.''

Daphne sniffed, thanking her before blowing her nose into it. Velma facepalmed in return. ''Daph, weren't you going to use that napkin to wipe the ice cream off the picture?''

Daphne sniffed, ''Oh...''

Velma sighed, looking at Shaggy and Scooby who were sitting with their hands folded behind their heads. Scooby waved as Velma sighed at them, before asking, ''Well, with this whole ice cream insanity put aside, I forgot to ask, who is your favorite Beatle?'' The two quickly perked up, Shaggy answering as he nudged Scooby-Doo. ''Well Velma, that answer is quite easy, it's Ringo Starr! Isn't that right, Scoob?''

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