Chapter 11

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I quietly wandered the hallway, admiring every detail I came across. I never imagined that I would see something as extravagant as this castle. It was a given that I would spend the rest of my life in that asylum. They would never have let me go.  I never thought I would experience anything besides captivity.

After turning a couple corners, I realized that no one was around.

Where is everyone?

I walked passed a window and saw that the sun was high in the sky.  Maybe they were outside or still sleeping. I continued exploring for a couple minutes until I heard a noise coming from down the hallway. Carefully, I made my way towards it. As I got closer, the sound became more clear; it was music. The sound of a piano echoed down the corridor. In front of me was a wooden door that was slightly ajar.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I peeked inside to see a large room with bookshelves that lined the walls to the ceiling. In one corner of the room was two leather couches, and on the other side of the room was a black grand piano. Tristan was sitting with his back towards me on the bench. His fingers glided across the keyboard and his eyes were shut. For the first time since I've been here, he looked peaceful.  The song he was playing was beautiful but was melancholy, and he was pouring his emotions into the notes.

I was in awe and pushed the door slightly to get a better view. Quietly, I took a few steps closer to him. Sensing my presence, the music abruptly stopped, and he glared at me.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked, glowering.

"I-uh... My door was left open so I went exploring. I heard the piano," I explained nervously while combing a loose strand behind my ear.

"You shouldn't be out wandering about the castle. Not all vampires can handle their bloodlust."

"I can handle myself," I snapped, irritated at his constant mood change.

Could I really though?

His eyebrows rose as he looked at me up and down.  "Really? You can take down a bloodthirsty vampire?"

His comment really struck a nerve with me. I escaped and endured a horrific place by myself.  I survived a tragic accident and mourned my family. Sure, I wasn't strong or immortal, but he didn't know me, know what I can endure.  I'm not usually angered so easily, but what he said got under my skin. I may not be able to take on a supernatural predator, but I wasn't just some frail girl like he saw me as either.

"Excuse me?"  Anger laced my voice.  "You have no idea what I've gone through.  I may not be some strong vampire like you, but I am fully capable of taking care of myself.  I've been  doing it for the last six years. You don't know me."

His face was impassive, and he blinked a couple times before casting his eyes back at the piano.  "You're right. I don't, and I don't plan to. You should go back to your room."


Tristan's words hurt. I didn't know much about him either, but I had hoped that we could try to get to know each other.  I wanted answers, and this man had been a part of my life for as long as I could remember.  He was familiar to me in this new place, and despite him being cold and distant, I wanted to be near him.  It was frustrating trying to understand the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

"No," I finally said after some time.

I walked closer to him, and he looked at me with a peering expression. His eyes fixed on me, and I never left his gaze as I sat in the seat next to him. Being this close was sending a strange feeling up my arms. The hair on my body felt like it was standing as a tingling sensation took over. He must of felt something too because he gasped and flinched away from me.

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