New Story Sneak Peak-BSASB

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Here's a sample chapter from Boys, Shoes, and Soulmate Blues! This book is ongoing and is not finished. This is the first chapter.

Description: Hunter Cameron is an eccentric, boy-crazy girl that can be overly dramatic and has a huge love for shoes. When the student government comes up with a Soulmate test for fun, a test that matches you with your potential soulmate at school, Hunter is too afraid to open her results. Instead, she decides that she wants to find her perfect soulmate on her terms and expectations with the help of her best friend, Tyler. After dating different boys to find "the one", she discovers that maybe her perfect guy is more than a few points on her checklist.


My name is Hunter Cameron. Yup, I have two boy names. No, I am not a boy. I am very much a girl and have the lady parts to prove it.

No, I will not show you, so don't even ask.

For one, I'm not that girl. I've never even been kissed before. But, let's not focus on that little detail.

Two, I can't even change my clothes in the locker room for gym class without putting on my gym clothes over my school clothes, and then pulling my school clothes off from underneath my gym clothes.

Yes, I'm a little complicated...

And some may call me dramatic...

And maybe even weird...

But hey, I'm a seventeen year old girl. Isn't that how I should be?  I mean, have you seen Clueless?

Cher and I have plenty in common, especially our love of shoes.

Ah, shoes.

My love for shoes trumps chocolate and the old Chad Michael Murray from Cinderella story, and that says a lot.

I don't just love any shoe though. It has to be white. Why do you ask? Well, because I draw on my shoes. It's kind of my thing and what I'm known for around here.

Maybe that's why some say I'm weird.

I've loved drawing growing up, but my mom was tired of our furniture and walls being used as a canvas. One day she bought me a white pair of sneakers thinking that I could take my art everywhere with me.

Well, ladies and gentleman, my mother created a monster—a shoe monster. Since then, I haven't worn any other type of shoe besides the ones I've made into my own personal art. Now I have over 100 pairs of shoes with various designs.

Last homecoming, the theme was A Night to Remember, so I wore a navy dress and drew Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night on my four-inch, white heels.

You get the idea. I'm a shoe junkie.

But, I'm also a major boy junkie.

Yes, I am one of those girls—a hopeless romantic and boy-crazed. When I'm not talking about shoes, I talk about boys and romantic comedies. I often find myself getting in trouble in class for daydreaming about boys like Gavin Hanson, who happens to sit in front of me in four of my six classes.

Uhh, maybe he doesn't just happen to sit in front of me. I might have made a few deals to get those seats.

It was so, so worth it.

My best friend Tyler doesn't think so though. He thinks I'm crazy and practically rolls his eyes when he sees me staring at the back of Gavin's head in class. Unfortunately for Tyler, he has every class with me, so he has to witness my drooling all day.

Luckily for me, he's my best friend since kindergarten, so I know he still loves me even when he has to put up with my crazy self.

Like now as he watches me stare longingly at the back of Gavin's gorgeous head for the millionth time this year.

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