19. Mission: Impossible

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"Are you sure about that?" Kayla asked and I nodded. I was definitely sure that Rose was still here in Cynthrane and she has been disguising herself. Ashton and Kayla and I were gathered at Ashton's place and we were discussing the possibilities of where could Rose be. That douche bag still did not show up and I was furious at him, not that I'm dying to see him anyway... Okay  maybe I am dying to see him, just a little.

I told them to not look for blonde hair. As far as I knew my sister she would not be roaming around with the same face as me so we could find her easily. She must have wore a wig when she comes out and maybe glasses too. "Yeah she's right. Flower's not so stupid that she'll be just waiting for us to find her. If she is in a hiding, she'll be disguising herself." said Ashton. "So basically we're looking for someone with this face with different get up and hair color." Kayla concluded pointing her finger towards my face.

"Wait, I have an idea." I said and got off the bed. I took out my glasses from the bag and wore them, I asked Ash for a wig which gladly his mom had and he brought a black wig from her room. I wore that too. "She might look something like this." I said and they both had their mouths dropped open. "Guys! What's wrong?" I asked looking at their surprised faces. "Nothing we were just umm observing." Said Ashton clearing his throat. I clicked a picture of myself with and without the glasses and then took the wig off.

"So now, what could be the possible places she might be staying at?" I wondered out loud, I was not aware of any other friends she had here, but Ashton might know more than me. "Ashton, does she have any other close friends apart from you whom she trusts enough to stay at their place?" I asked him and he thought for a while before shaking his head. "Nope. She barely stayed at my place. And as far as I know she didn't make any friends after Laura and Emily." My blood boiled at the mention of their names. "You mean those bitches? Were they even friends?" Kayla blurted out and I gave her a hard glare, she seemed to get the message and shrugs, "Just asking, I uh saw the video the other day, they both seemed like bitches to me..." she covered up. Ashton shrugged too, "Yeah I guess, as far as I know they gave her a very hard time." He said.

"Did you..." "Kayla" I warned her not to say anything farther and gladly she understood. She was slow at these kinds of things. "Anyway, so she might be staying at a cheap motel or something?" I wondered and the both shrugged. "I need ideas you thick headed people, come on think." I pushed trying to get something from them, a clue, anything. "We need to go out and search. we'd make no progress if we just keep sitting here thinking." Ashton suggested and for once I agreed with him.

"Great we'll search separately then and we'll meet here again after two hours. Okay?" I said and they both nodded. I was thankful to Kayla that she stayed a little longer to help me. Apparently we had to return to Stanverse but we prolonged our stay for a week more. We could not miss school more than that, it was already the mid of August. I already talked to Violet and Amanda and they've threatened to kill me when I get back, because I had them so worried.
We filled in Ashton's car and began our search.

"Where the hell is this girl?" Kayla muttered, we were back at Ashton's place after whole four hours of searching and guess what? We did not even find a single clue. Where could she be possibly hiding? "I think we need to look somewhere else. We should think about something different. Aubrey, suppose if you were her then what would you do? Where would you go? And how would you manage to survive?" Ashton questioned being thoughtful. Actually, he had a point, if we have to look for her we have to think like her. And me being her sister, I knew her better than anyone else, at least I thought I did. Although I missed major part of her life in a misunderstanding but reading her diaries made me catch up on a lot of things. She wrote it so openly and in detail that I wondered if I was the one going through that.

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