17. Memories

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I was five years old, I saw a building burning up, the people rushing here and there in panic. Someone pushed me and I fell. But I did not care anymore, I was shouting and shouting one thing all over again and again.


"You've got to be kidding me?" I admired the beautiful piece of fabric. It was a purple shirt with floral designs on it. I looked at the woman standing in front of me, she looked familiar even though I did not recognize her. But her name was on the tip of my tongue, how? I was not aware. She was Amanda but I did not remember what she was to me?

I stared at the picture on my phone, I was so happy that I finally found my sister and she was alive.

"I didn't know you were that eager to break my legs, Rey. I could think of several ways." A model like guy stood in front of me, shirtless. I was pushing him with my bag to get him aside. "What are you made of? Steel? You didn't even budge!" I said. "I'm just stronger than you Rey, and if you ask nicely I might let you inside in no time." He was so familiar, like I have seen him before. Wait...he was Cameron.

My throat closed because of the water around me, I was being dragged by someone or something. The next moment I realized I felt cold air hit me like piercing through my skin.


Guess what people? I fell from my bed, and landed directly on my butt. Ouch that hurt. The dream I saw was in bits and pieces, I could not comprehend what was the meaning of it. Were they my memories? If yes then I needed a lot of explanations. Why do these memories come in bits and pieces? Why not altogether? I texted Athena to tell her that I was sick and would like to cancel our plan for today. Mum was already gone for work.

After breakfast the first thing that came to my mind was to see Kayla, and tell her about my dream or memory whatever. She was the only one who could help me. The door bell rang cutting short my thoughts. I went to open it and saw Ashton standing at the doorway with a cheeky grin on his face. "Hey Flower. Miss me?" He said coming in. I smiled closing the door behind me. "Yup. Glad you're here." I said. I got so fond of him in a couple of weeks. He was really the one who gets your attention without even trying, I could not wish for a better friend than him. "Athena told me you were not feeling well. I didn't want you to have fun all by yourself." He joked making me laugh.

"Coffee?" I offered and he nodded. He followed me to the kitchen and stood there, watching me. He did that a lot these days, observe me like I was some kind of science experiment. "You know Flower, I sometimes think you are not you. I've known you since we were kids and trust me when I say that you seem like a whole different person to me." He suddenly said taking me by surprise. I stole a glance at him and smiled, pouring the coffee. "Shall I tell you the truth?" I asked handing him his cup. His eyes bore into mine as if trying to read me. Then he nodded.

I sighed, "I don't know who me is anymore..." I said honestly. Ever since I started regaining my memories, or  what I think were my memories; I feel like I never belonged here, like there was a part of me that was missing and I was at the wrong place. He sipped his coffee and observed my attire. "You never wore jeans." He said, "I remember you once saying when I asked you about it, 'I just don't like it, I feel like I'm allergic to it.'" That took me by surprise, of course I did not remember saying that to him and to think of it, I have been wearing jeans or shorts ever since the accident, I was not fond of dresses and skirts and all that girly stuff.

If so, then there were lot of things I was still confused about. I shrugged and said, "I don't know, I can't remember." He just sighed and took a seat on the chair. The bell rang again. Who could it be? "I'll get it." Ash said keeping his cup on the counter. It was like a second home to him so I did not mind him attending my guests. I followed him shortly after because he was not back yet. I saw Cam and Ashton face to face at the doorstep. Ohhh....kay. I wanted to  know how Cameron reacts seeing Ash, they were meeting for the first time.

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