Chapter 33

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I wake up in Harper's bed, wearing a bra, underpants, and... nothing else. I've got a hangover brimming at the back of my head, ready to boil over. My mouth is dry.

It takes me a moment to study my memories of last night. Kissing Harper at the gig. Going to the pub and sitting together, talking, drinking, kissing. The way he wrapped his arm around me on the way home. And when he led me up to his bedroom. We kissed. I remember him pulling my jacket off and then tugging me on top of him, on the bed. There was a scramble as we undressed, but then I halted our progression before anything else could happen. Harper kept kissing me, trying to convince me, but eventually he pulled me into his arms and we fell asleep like that.

I twist away and look at Harper. He's still fast asleep, his dark curls covering half of his face, his lips slightly parted as he breathes. I remember the moment last night when he took his shirt off. His shoulders and chest are so broad, and he works out a bit, but not enough to give him that hardened look. Now, I curl myself against his chest, appreciating the softness and warmth.

Harper stirs, and pulls me closer to him. He tucks my head under his chin, and kisses me on the top of my head, then murmurs something into my hair that I don't make out.

'Hmm?' I breath into his chest.

'I said good morning,' he says again, and he pulls back, tilting my chin up and bringing his face towards mine. 'Waking up with you feels so good.'

I smile. 'Since when are you this cheesy?'

My phone chimes, so I roll out of Harper's grip and grab it from his bedside table. I realise it's already 10, way later than I thought it would be. And then I realise who has texted me, and my stomach does a little lurch. I wriggle more out of Harper's grip and sit up to read the text properly.

"Hey, coffee today 11am?"

I lock my phone, swing out of bed, and grab my clothes off the floor. Then I look back at Harper, and he must see the panicked look on my face.

'What's wrong?' he asks, sitting up.

'I've just got to go,' I say. 'But I don't want to go downstairs in case someone is in the living room.'

'Why do you have to go?' Harper says. 'We've got plenty of time before the march. I'm ready to become a full-blown feminist.'

'It's not that,' I say. 'Can you please just check if there's anyone downstairs?'

Harper groans. 'Come back to bed.'

'Harper, I've got to go,' I say.

He sighs, and pulls himself out of bed. He's only wearing pants, and I can't help but admire his body as he walks across the room. He opens the door and pokes his head out, then turns back to me and shrugs. 'Can't hear anyone.'

'Please just check,' I say desperately. 'I really don't want anyone to see me walking out of your room. It's so embarrassing.'

Harper turns and looks at me. 'So I'm embarrassing now?' He cracks a grin, but I grit my teeth.

'Please,' I repeat.

Harper rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. I hear him heading downstairs, and then a moment later, he returns. 'No one's around.'

'Okay, I've got to go,' I say, and I make to move past him, but he grabs me.

'Hey,' he says. 'Can I kiss you before you go?'

I soften at his words, and reach up to kiss him quickly.

'Bye,' I murmur, as I slip out of his bedroom. I race downstairs, out of his flat, and across the room to my own. Thankfully no one is in the living room, and I'm able to get to my bedroom without seeing anyone. I stare at myself in the mirror, trying to decide how I feel, before looking at my phone again.

"Caffè Vergnano in Soho at 11?" the latest text from Drew reads. I scramble to get dressed, and redo my hair and makeup. I can't help wanting to look perfect to meet Drew. It's been months since I've seen him, and I want him to see me at my best.

With a fresh coat of lipstick, my hair curled, and my favourite black leather jacket, I open my bedroom door, ready to head to Soho. And that's when I run into Sylvie.

'Hey!' the smile on her face is warm and genuine. 'How was the gig? Are you excited for today?'


'The march,' Sylvie laughs. 'Charlotte and I spent last night coming up with some great ideas for signs. Oh, are you going out?' She's just realised what I'm wearing.

'Uh, yeah,' I say. 'I'm meeting an old friend for coffee. So I'll have to meet you at the march.'

'Oh, okay,' Sylvie says.

'Yeah, I'm sorry I won't be able to help out with the sign,' I say. 'But I'm sure you two are way more artistic than I am anyway.'

Sylvie smiles. 'Well just send a text to the group chat when you're near Trafalgar Square and we'll find you.'

'The group chat?'

'Oh,' Sylvie says. 'You're not in the group chat.' She laughs. 'That's so weird! You've been living here for so long! Hang on, I'll grab my phone and add you.'

Sylvie turns to head up the stairs towards her bedroom.

I realise that on any other day I would probably be devastated to find out there's a group chat I'm not part of. To be excluded from something like that is my worst fear. But today, all I can think about is Drew.

'I've really gotta go,' I say. 'But add me, and I'll text you later.'

'Okay, see you later!' Sylvie calls.

I estimate Sylvie will be upstairs for less than a minute, so I dart into Ed's room and grab the black laptop. I shove it into my handbag and practically run out of the flat.

Author's Note

Thanks so much for reading! Eek Jane is going to meet her ex... what are your thoughts on that? Is she making a mistake? Or was getting with Harper a mistake?

And my question of the chapter for you...

Do you prefer black tea, green tea, or another flavour of tea?

Thanks for commenting, and voting!

elle xx

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