Chapter 26

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'We're opening the bar tonight?' I ask. I'm lying on the sofa, book in hand, wearing pyjamas. It's Thursday night, and I'd been planning to bake a banana loaf.

'Special event,' Will says. He's standing in the kitchen, eating the walnuts that I was going to put in my banana loaf. He's wearing a button up shirt, so I ask him if I should dress up. It's the first time I've ever seen Will wearing something other than a t-shirt.

'Yeah, I guess so,' Will says. 'Charlotte's putting on this photography exhibit. I'm kinda hoping some of her hot model friends will be there.'

'Does Charlotte do modelling, then?' I ask Will, closing my book and sitting up. I join him in the kitchen and grab a handful of walnuts too.

Will laughs. 'No, but that's how she started. She likes being behind the camera now. She has a street style blog, and she works as a freelance photographer for fashion shoots.'

'Charlotte?' I repeat, feeling small suddenly. 'She does all that?'

'Yeah, you haven't noticed?' Will asks. He ziplocks the packet of walnuts and spins to face me. 'Wear that black skirt you have. And a red lip. See you downstairs.'

I follow Will's advice, pairing my black skirt with a blue top and a jacket, so I look slightly more dressed up than a usual evening at the bar. I apply red lipstick and curl the ends of my hair. It's now just brushing my shoulders, and I think I might get it trimmed again so it's shorter again. I like the slight edginess shorter hair gives me, compared to my old long blonde hair that made me feel ordinary.

When I get downstairs, there is soft jazz on the speakers, rather than the usual playlist. The bar has been transformed, with white drop sheets hanging along the walls, and framed portraits and large canvas hung. It's not just fashion photography, but portrait photography too. I'm instantly enraptured by a series on one wall, in black and white, close ups of an old woman's hands, jewellery, smile, and eyes, all framed around a central piece showing her in full portrait in colour.

Will's at the bar, chatting to two tall, skinny guys that have sharp features and cheekbones. They look intimidating, so I try to spot Kitty. The average height of the bar patron seems to have increased dramatically because of the number of models in here. Kitty's tall, too, so she's hard to spot amongst them all, but she stands out because she's wearing a boho skirt with a mandala pattern on it, and an off-the-shoulder bow-sleeved top, paired with her usual over-the-top jewellery.

I fall in beside her, and she acknowledges me with a squeeze around the shoulder and then introduces me to the girl she's chatting to - a photographer whose Scouse accent surprises me.

'Lou used to work shifts at the bar sometimes, actually,' Kitty says, about the girl she's chatting to.

I look over at Charlotte, who is completely in her element tonight, surrounded by glamorous people she seems to be best friends with. I've never seen this side of Charlotte before - professional, organised, creating an event and showcasing beautiful work. I thought she was more vapid and just concerned about her fake tan and nails, but here she is, killing it.

It makes me feel insignificant.

'Do you work at the bar or in the bookshop?' Lou asks me. I pull my gaze away from Charlotte and look back at Kitty's friend.

'In the bookshop and café,' I say. 'But I wouldn't mind trying my hand at bar work sometime.'

Kitty seems surprised by this, and turns to look at me, but I shrug off her expression.

Kitty and Lou get absorbed into a conversation together, full of references to past experiences, and I feel left out. My gaze wanders around the bar, searching for familiar faces. I spy Ed behind the bar, delegated to bartender tonight because Charlotte is the one hosting the event. I slip away from Kitty and her friend and head over to the bar, hoping to make peace with Ed.

'You want a drink?' Ed asks, as a greeting. He's wearing a black t-shirt, which is the plainest item of clothing I've ever seen Ed wear. I wonder if Charlotte told him to wear it. It makes his red hair stand out, but he doesn't look like himself.

'Yeah, a gin and tonic,' I say. 'I can make it, if you want.'

Ed raises an eyebrow, then says, 'We're trying to give the impression that we're a really classy establishment, so strictly uniformed people only behind the bar. Charlotte's rules, not mine.'

'So she organised all this?' I ask, looking around at the exhibit party.

'Charlotte is full of surprises,' Ed says. He hands me my gin and tonic and I take a sip.

'You should check out some of her collections,' Ed says. He points to one wall, where there's a range of fashion photography. 'She styles and shoots them. Our girl is talented.'

Charlotte is beside her own shots now, talking to a few guests about them. I see Harper beside her, and my stomach does a flip. He looks smart, with a dress jacket instead of his usual denim. He leans in and adds a joke into the conversation, and Charlotte's guests laugh.

I look around the bar, at all these unbelievably cool people, who Charlotte has managed to gather to exhibit her and others' work, and I feel instantly unworthy of this. This life I've fallen into, here in London. Why am I here? I'm just a basic girl from Brighton who used to be popular until everything went wrong. And now here I am, trying to fit into this glamorous London life, but I can never compete with Charlotte.

Author's Note

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elle xx

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