Valentine's Day Special

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I thought, hey why not? Enjoy ❤️

Julian's P.O.V

"Aiden, hurry up!" I shout only to receive a grunt in response as the sound of something breaking fills the house. It's then of course followed by a stream of cursing by Aiden.

"He's so dumb." Damon mutters making me frown as I quickly smack him upside the head. "Ow! Dad!"

"Respect." I say simply. He doesn't say anymore but rub his head while his brothers and sister laugh at him.

"I think you should just start dad." Levi says sitting on the banister before pulling his earphones out. "He's not coming down anytime soon." He says referring to the big baby which was his father.

"You're right. Everyone listen up." This brings all eyes to me as Peter puts down his book and the twins stop whispering to look my way. "You're father and I are going out for the weekend, Levi's in charge. That means you listen to him and you don't question him."

"What if he's being stupid." Damon interjects making me send a glare his way. "What?! It's a valid question."

"If he's being stupid, you still listen. Now, please for the love of Goddess don't make us come home early because you burned down the house." I say begging them with all my heart. I needed this weekend, more than I cared to admit. I loved my kids, I really did, but they were stopping me from banging my mate at least three times a day, Aiden and I were lucky if we got once a week and I was getting desperate.

"We won't dad." Hagen says while stuffing his mouth with a handful of chips. That boy ate more than me and he was half my size.

"Josey, keep an eye on him." I say to my princess making her nod with a small salute.

"There's enough food in there for you guys to survive a month plus you have Peter." Peter raises his head from his knees for a moment before hugging them tightly. "There's money with Levi if you're lazy and he is feeling generous."

"I'm not." He says making them all groan while he smirks as Caspar ran its tail against his owner.
(Caspar his Jaguar if you forgot)

"No fighting inside the house, all matches outside." I say sternly. "Josey, I mean it."

"I won't beat them up inside the house." She groans like a broken record.

"Good girl." I say with a smile. "If you need anything, call Emitt and Beckett. If they don't pick up, call Katerina and Apollos. If they don't pick up, call Mickey, Chris and Nic. And if none of them pick up, figure it out. But don't you dare call us."

"What if we're dying." Damon groans.

"Then you better be on you're last breath making that call." I say making his smirk drop. "Okay, that should be it. Now give me a hug."

The twins tackle me first, they were now as tall as my hip and were growing too fast. They squeeze me tightly before kissing both sides of my cheeks.

"I love you dad." Hagen says before running off.

"Be safe." Josey says before following.

Peter inches his way to me before letting his arms snake around my waist, giving me a tight hug while I kissed his head.

"Do I have to cook?" He asks sheepishly.

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