Chapter 12

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Aiden's P.O.V

"Dude, Julian hates me." Emitt says as we walk through the halls together. Julian ditched us the moment we got to school after making me promise that I'd show up to lunch today, not like I wasn't going to.

"He only hates me. He just doesn't like most people, don't take it personally." I say as we slide into our usual seats for English. The subject that was surprisingly hard even though it shouldn't be, seeing as we spoke the fucking language.

"Nah, he really hates me. He kept glaring at me the whole drive to school. Every time I'd check the review mirror he'd be staring at me, you know how fucking scary it is to see that guy with a blank expression just staring at you? It's fucking scary Aiden!" Emitt shouts grabbing my shirt collar like a fucking lunatic, bringing prying eyes towards us.

"He looks at everyone that way. Stop overreacting." I say shoving him away as I rest me feet on a chair, while trying to balance a pencil on my finger.

"He's going to be my alpha and he already hates me." He continues on, whining like a little bitch.

"Jesus calm down Emitt. Look why don't you come to lunch too, you'll see him act the exact same way to me. How does that sound?" I ask looking at my friend who nods quickly.

"Thank you man." He says hugging me tightly, I groan before shoving him off me. He was like a damn leech today.
I admit Julian was acting a little weird earlier but I'm pretty sure it's because he doesn't know Emitt. Even when I see him with his friends he's never really talking, he really only had full conversations with me. The lip thing was a weird move for him, scratch that, for either of us. But it was strangely attractive and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like when he made moves like that, if Emitt wasn't there I think we wouldn't have made it to school.

About half way through the first few classes, I felt the urge to see Julian grow a bit. We agreed to try and ignore it as much as we could, but how was I suppose to ignore it when he kept popping up in my head. It'd be much easier if we had the same classes but we didn't, he did all the hard shit and I did the stuff you could get through life with. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I was to hear the bell ring, we still had two class before lunch but I was going to break something or someone if I didn't see Julian. I would've texted him earlier to tell him to meet me somewhere but I didn't have his number, so I was left to suffer in class.
Following his scent, I find him walking through the halls behind his two friends as usual. Grabbing his wrist, I stop him from going any further before dragging him to a nearby closet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks once I let go of him to close the door.

"How are you so calm? Aren't you feeling the pull too?" I ask as I walk back towards him before pulling him into a hug. The feeling settling my wolf as I inhale his scent, ignoring the bell, I exhale in satisfaction as I continue holding him.

"Yeah but I'm not an animal, I can control myself." He snaps making me frown as he shoves me away, the feeling making my wolf whine loudly as it scratches at the surface.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask looking at his agitated expression. My words seem to break through for a split second before the walls go up again.

"Nothing, I'm going to be late for class." He says as he shoves pass me, leaving the room. I stand there in shock as the events replay in my mind. What the hell was going on with him? Wasn't he the one that said he missed me yesterday? Now he's acting like if I was an annoying bug that was harassing him, sighing I leave the room and head to class.

I'm not cut out for this mating shit.


"You promise not to leave me alone with the guy?" Emitt asks playing with his bag straps as we walked towards the cafeteria.

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