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Hey guys! Wow, it's been awhile since I've clicked "add chapter" on this story. Awww.

Time for a rambling list: 

1) The sequel is finally happening!! My god, I've missed these characters!! I'm so excited!

2) It's up on my profile right now, titled The Multitudes Within Me. Add it to your library so you won't miss the first chapter, which will be published in a few days! Also gives you some time to reread TSOI and refresh your memory, just in case it's been awhile. ;)

3) The sequel will be in Sam's POV! We're gonna pick off a few months from where we left off - Cameron is playing for the Leafs in Toronto, Sam is at Harvard in Boston, and Tom is battling cancer. 

4) Did I mention I'm super excited? 

5) Questions? Concerns? Comments? Things you wanna see happen? Things you don't wanna see happen?  Hit me up and share your thoughts! 

6) Thank you guys in advance!!! Wow I can't wait. Kinda love you all ;) 

- M

P.S. Are there any artists out there? Playlist-making folks? I'd die if there was any fanart of Sam&Cam, I'll definitely feature it in the book! 

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