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I race down the ice, pressing the puck against my stick. A large defender comes at me from the side, so I snap the puck towards Matthew as the defender slams me into the boards. 

Matthew tips the puck into the net and the crowd goes crazy, tying the game at 2-2. It's hot in my jersey, and sweat makes my hair stick to my forehead under my helmet. I chew on my mouthguard and grin as Ollie slaps my helmet.

"Nice assist!" he shouts, though it's hard to hear. Fans bang against the clear wall and holler with excitement. 

There's only ten minutes left of the game. My fingers tingle as the ref blows the whistle and we huddle for a time out.

Coach is pulling at his tie anxiously. "If we lose this game, we can say goodbye to a playoffs spot," he shouts. "We are a much better team than they are. We need to play an offensive game here, focus on getting the puck to the net..."

He goes on and I glance around the stands. Mom is here somewhere, wearing her Lions sweatshirt. So are Hailey, Veronica, and Sam. 

The last couple days have been weird. But not bad. Just confusing. I shake my head as thoughts start to leak in my brain. I have to focus on hockey. Remember?

The game starts again, and all I think about is the sweet scent of sweat and the harsh sound of blades against ice, the cheering of the fans and the feel of the stick in my gloved hands, the layout of the opposing team and where to go. With three minutes left, I flick my wrist and the puck goes flying over the goalie's shoulder, burrowing itself in the top corner of the net. We win 3-2. Is this what happiness feels like?

In the locker room, I shower quickly and pull on warm sweatpants, a Lions t-shirt, and baseball hat. Ethan is rattling loudly beside me as he yanks on a sweatshirt. 

"So Lacy and I got into a fight the other day, right? I don't know, something about me not paying enough attention to her. So I gave her flowers - is that not so fucking sweet of me? I know. Anyway. So today she came to the game, which I'm so glad of, 'cause I made some amazing saves. Like, the one in second period? When I reached out and just barely caught it - holy shit, that was a good one."

I stand up and swing my hockey bag around my shoulder. "Yeah, that was a really good one," I say. "And flowers are sweet."

"I know, right?" He grins and sits down on the bench, pulling on his running shoes. 

"You have a ride home today?"

"Yeah, yeah, you told me."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you."

The locker room is mostly cleared out, with only a few players left, talking quietly. I'm almost to the door when a few reporters stop me. 

"Great game, Cameron," says one of them. "Do you mind if we ask a couple quick questions?"

"Um..." I glance at the door. "Sure."

Tape recorders are held up. "How important was tonight's game?"

"A pretty important one." I stuff my hands in my pockets and bounce on my toes. "Um, but I think the team held up well under the pressure. We did what we had to do, which was... ultimately, win."

"What kind of position are the Lions in, heading towards the playoffs?"

"I think we're in a pretty good spot."

"And finally..." the one journalist smiles shyly. "Some fans are wondering about your personal life. Any relationships?"

"Um..." I shift my bag on my shoulder. "Yeah, I have a boyfriend." The words taste funny and something tightens on my heart. 

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