Bloody Painter

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Art above drawn by, imitation13.

1. His real name is, Helen Otis and the reason why he has a girl's name is because his parents wanted a girl.

2. A nickname for him is, The Painter.

3. He's 14 years old as of 1994.

4. Is in a relationship with Judge Angels, which is confirmed by his creator.

5. His catchphrase is, "Don't be excited about tomorrow :) because there will be no tomorrow."

6. He has 2 designs, one with his mask and one without his mask.

7. He's best friends with the puppeteer.

8. He was put into a psychiatric hospital on November 15, 1994 for treatment after not being found guilty by reasons of insanity.

9. On March 10, 2003, he was released from the hospital, seemingly recovered. But, on October 31, 2003, a security camera caputures Helen committing yet another murder, which was uploaded onto the internet.

10. After his "friend", Tom fell off the roof he became, aggressive, rude, and anti-social after what he did.

11. His birthday is on, October 1st.

12. He is 5'7 feet tall.

13. Bloody Painter was created based on the creator's life (not the whole murder part of it though...) and was created to vent out their emotions.

14. He is created by, DeluCat.

(This was all I could find, sorry that it's not a lot.)

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