Smile Dog

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Art above drawn by, Snook-8 (you guys have no fecking idea how much the original picture scares me. It's kind of crosses the territory of uncanny valley in a way, and I hate that shit).

1.) The full name of that damned thing is unknown.

2.) It does, however, have a few alias such as, Smilge.jpg (I can't imagine a png since those are higher quality 😭) and (with a period guys, don't forget that).

3.) This bitch, is in fact, a male (despite me calling him a bitch, apologies Smiles).

4.) Smile Dog is a supernatural entity that takes the form of a dog (we all know this).

5.) The image has a reputation of driving the people who view it insane. It causes these victims to view the image in their mind's eye at every turn. These repeated images, however, were discovered to actually be the result of epileptic seizures. It isn't known why the image causes this.

6.) These fits are reported to continue endlessly, even when the victims are sleeping, often causing vivid nightmares. It can be treated by medication, but the effectiveness depends on each person.

7.) In these dreams, Smile Dog often appears, daunt the only respite to their torment is to "spread the word" (a popular catchphrase of his). Shortly after receiving these dreams, victims are sent an email (without a return address) of an image of Smile Dog that encourages them to spread to others.

8.) Smile Dog specifically appears as a Siberian Husky with grey and pinkish fur (off white probably) that is accompanied by an inhuman smile. When in his demon form, his gif turns red with a yellowish tint and black fur on the top of his head. His smile is also much wider than before. Smile

9.) Smile Dog is shown to be merciless, sadistic, cruel, evil, satanic, and manipulative, but also surprisingly patient. Though he is shown to take advantage of his victims fragile minds, as well as taking a liking to taunting them, he also waits for his victims to give in to his orders, and leaves them alone when they do (though he's a satanic dog, he is still a dog. Good boy).

10.) A few of his abilities is being able to cross over into dreams and turn them into nightmares as to render his victims helpless and unable to speak. As mentioned before, he is able to transform into a more demonic version of himself to terrify his victims, and get them to do what he wants. In other versions, he is able to cross over into the real world and murder his victims, dragging their souls to Hell with him (which is where people believe he came from).

11.) The origin of the actual Smile.jpg and it's Creepypasta is unknown, but is said to have been first posted on the /x/ (paranormal) board on the imageboard 4chan in 2008 (that's where all the spooky shit comes from).

12.) Nevermind, it is known :P. It's created by this dude named Michael Lutzwhen when he was a sophomore in college, and he did post it on 4chan. He mentioned he did it on that site because he, in verbatim, "saw how easily the *chan ecology could be used to funnel negative affect if it were properly narrativized".

13.) Lutz mentioned how, when he wrote Smile Dog, that he looked nothing like a dog. The internet only ended up calling it a dog since that's the closest thing that looked similar to it (plus, it's called Smile Dog). So, now it's a smiling husky thanks to the internet (this contradicts facts 4 and 8, which means those aren't exactly canon, but popular fanon, I guess?).

14.) Although, the image isn't meant to be a dog but something from a nightmare (who basically looks has a "bright red pigface" according to Lutz), he did take an image of a husky, and then photoshopped it to look that way (uhhh, so technically not a dog according to Lutz, but used a photo of a husky. I guess that makes sense as to why the internet calls it a husky now. Idk, Lutz in his tweets always seems peeved that people call it a husky / dog, and that it looks nothing like a dog (in the story), but also calls it Smile Dog, that it is a dog-like creature, and altered a picture of a husky. Like, dude, make up your mind 😭).

15.) In 2020, Lutz collaborated with the NoSleep podcast to do a short film adaption of Smile Dog.

16.) He is often portrayed as the companion of Jeff the Killer (not canon).

17.) The original image of Smile Dog is found below (made by Lutz, the more horrifying image in my opinion), along with the more popular picture that I don't know the origin of (the one that doesn't look red):

) The original image of Smile Dog is found below (made by Lutz, the more horrifying image in my opinion), along with the more popular picture that I don't know the origin of (the one that doesn't look red):

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Shut up, I'm never opening this chapter again 😭

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Shut up, I'm never opening this chapter again 😭

I'm guessing the fandom at some point adopted both and just decided the original is going to be his "demon form"

18.) I hath come across two origins for how the photos were made / the unedited versions:

Idk if this is accurate, but whoever made this guide definitely has beef with Smile Dog, that's for sure

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Idk if this is accurate, but whoever made this guide definitely has beef with Smile Dog, that's for sure

Others say this is the dog for the original, but it kind of looks like the dog for the popularized version

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Others say this is the dog for the original, but it kind of looks like the dog for the popularized version. Idk.

19.) Smile Dog is created by, Michael Lutz (WarrenIsDead).

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