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Walking further into the sector I start to pick up faint traces of my mate. The further into the sector we walked, the stronger it became. It was still faint though, confirming what we already knew; she hasn't been here in a while.

Petrified looking humans peeked out from behind their worn curtains as we paced by. I made eye contact with a woman and she blanched and covered her scream, before closing her drapes. The rest were openly staring out of their windows. gawking at the huge beasts stalking their streets. Fear filled the air, waking my wolf. The true beast who these humans should fear, he's the one who gets off on their fear.

As we stop outside a home, the scent of my mate attacks my senses, Instantly I sense this is her home. Immediately the scent of another male hits my nose and I try to push back my murderous thoughts.

Blake senses the rage running through me, most of my men do. I can tell by their rigid stance. They are nervous, and don't know what to expect as their Alpha is about to see the home their Luna shared with another male. He turns to address Jaxon, while I struggle to reign in my beast.

"Jaxon stand guard outside. The alpha and I will check the home first."

Blake grasps my shoulder as we walk inside the doors. I instantly scan the room, and soak in everything my eyes touch. There is an old floral orange couch sitting in the small living room, its glowing with my female's scent. Enchanting me like a siren, I touch the old ratty couch, attempting to connect to my female. Instantly I can tell this raggedy piece of furniture was something she loved.

Releasing myself from the hold of the couch I move through the room. On the wall there is a picture of an older man and woman, these must be her parents; I wonder where they are?

The kitchen is so small. It contains a refrigerator, and sink. Then one small counter top and three cupboards. The cupboards are basically empty and images of my female starving run through my head. I can't help but panic as I start to wonder what kind of life my mate had.

My hands touch a cup of stale water on the counter and I absentmindedly bring it up to my nose smelling the handle. The tell-tale smell of lilacs and vanilla causes my mouth to water. I take the cup and drink the little bit of water left. Savoring that sweet taste of my mate.

A shiver courses through my body at the thought of her lips touching the very spot I drank out of. Opening my eyes, I am caught off guard by a picture on the refrigerator.

It is of a girl who looks to be around 17 or 18. She has long thick blonde hair that falls into curls. Her big sky-blue eyes stand out, and look so alive. Her mouth is set in a dazzling smile with a perfect set of teeth.

She looks radiant, so happy and care free. Beautiful.

I grasp the picture in my hand, careful not to rip it. She has a fishing pole in her hand and is stood next to another male with jet black hair. His green eyes are full of laughter as he holds up a tiny minnow on the end of his line. There is another male in the picture standing behind the girl, He has brown hair and he is staring at the girl with such an intensity that it is impossible to deny his love for her.

At the bottom of the picture there is a date with names scrawled out in feminine hand writing.

                          June 15th 2082, Coy Lake: Brian, Lex, Matty Friends forever

Lex for Alexis...My Luna. This gorgeous female is mine.

I stare at her so hard, trying to force her out of the picture and to me. It is torture seeing her for the first time, and not being able to touch her.

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