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Loud voices around me start to become clear as I sit up. Groaning as I close my eyes, trying to wrap my head around what is going on. Speaking of my head, holy cow does it hurt.

Matt's voice causes my eyes to fling open. "Marco get off him! You need to calm the hell down!"

The scene in front of me causes me to gasp. Marco is pinning Brian to the tree, who looks like hell, with dark circles under his eyes and his face all bloody. Marcos tattooed arm is up against Brian's throat as he swiftly punches Brian in the stomach. Brian groans as Marco screams "You bastard, do you have any Idea what you did!" Marco is seething, he looks like he is going to rip Brian apart limb by limb.

Not being able to take anymore I slowly stand up and scream "STTTOOPPP!!!" Three sets of eyes turn to me in a flash, and Matt runs over to me, his face etched with worry. "Fuck, Lexi are you okay?" I ignore him and glare at Marco.

"What the hell are you doing to him!! He didn't do anything wrong, you are the one that got us into this mess, and why we are on the run in the first place!" Hostility seeps through my words as I stare down Marco.

Marco starts to laugh to himself as he releases Brian making him slide down the tree and collapse on the ground.

I start to run towards him before Marcos words has me halting to a stop.

"Your little boyfriend here is the fucking reason we are running! He was the one to shoot the Chancellor, he's the reason why I even ended up at your cabin." Marco sneers. He is seething and gets right up in my face as he says through clenched teeth. "Don't forget sleeping beauty, we are now on the run from YOUR FUCKING DERANGED MATE!" he spits out

Marco is furious as he steps back from me, running his hands through his jet-black hair. He growls out something and turns to Matt. "There is a secret location of the resistance not far from here. It's a half days walk, and we need to get there tonight. There is supplies and a two-way radio in there. If we have any fucking hope of escaping we need those supplies." His voice holds an authoritative tone as he turns to Brian. "You better be ready to move in ten." his sneer turn soft as he looks at me with pity and then starts to gather up our stuff.

Matt suddenly wraps his arms round me. "I was so worried about you Lex" His voice full of warmth as he rests his chin against the top of my head. His soft tone does little to comfort me, I am still so confused.

finally finding my voice I try to put the pieces together. "M- Matt, why does Brian and Marco think that the king is" I can barely get the word out, it makes me nauseous just thinking about it. "My mate" I whisper out the last part.

Matt looks like he wants to throw up when I turn around. I have never seen him look so lost and vulnerable before. "Lex, I think you need to talk to Brian, there is a lot you don't know. " his voice quivers at his last words.

I look over at Brian and see him look away, he looks so defeated. Pushing Matt off of me I walk over to Brian and grab his wounded arm. My purple cardigan is torn and blood soaked, and teeth marks can be seen at the edge by his wound. I reach down to touch it causing him to flinch. "You need to get this looked at Brian. The wound is deep, It may be infected." I say softly not meeting his eye.

He pulls his arm away, and groans. "It doesn't matter Lexi, I have a target on my head by both sides. I'm going to be dead before this wound can do any damage."

His words cause me to freeze, the thought of losing him makes me sick.

I feel his fingertips gently on my chin, guiding my head to look up at him. " Your so damn beautiful, Lexi. So damn beautiful." his horse voice comes out barley above a whisper.

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