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I was in the kitchen making coffee while Aki was on the living room couch watching television. Why was he acting so normal? From a bystanders point of view it would appear like any other normal day in any other normal house but this wasn't normal. The nails holding the door down and the dried tears crusted to my cheeks proved that. Kyle was right, Aki was insane and that insanity led him to lock the both of us in here. I knew I had to get out. I had to get as far away from Aki as possible but escape was pretty difficult with there being no place open to leave by and with Aki watching me like a point. To prove my point Aki turned off the tv and turned to stare, or more like glare, at me from the couch.

"Whats taking so long? Are you done yet?" He asks in a tone thats so sickenly sweet and innocent that I almost had to remind myself of what was happening before I could melt into Aki's good looks and warm kindness.

"I'm almost done. Do you want some coffee too?" I ask. Its taking  everything in my power for my voice not to shake. I am terrified but I don't want Aki to see my fear.

"No thank you. All I need right now is you." He says with a smile as he reaches his arms out, beckoning me to come closer. I gingerly grab my coffee cup and walk towards him. When I am close enough he wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in my stomach. He starts to purr loudly witch sends uncomfortable vibrations up my torso. I have to pry his arms off of me in order for me to sit on the couch with him. I sit as far away as possible but he crawls closer and snuggles into my shoulder as the loud purring picks up again. I've never heard Aki purr so much which only proves in my mind how happy he is with our current situation. I have to get out of here.

"A-Aki?" I stutter.

"Hmm? What is it, love?"

"How about we go on a date today. J-just the two of us?" I ask, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"A date?" Aki's eyes light up as his ears perk up and his tail swishes back and forth wildly.

"Yeah. We can go to the park nearby. Or we can go to the zoo or the aquarium or-" I am cut off by a low growl from Aki as he wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest. I remain perfectly still as he grumbles to himself while petting my hair.

"Not outside." He mutters. "We got to stay here. Outside is dangerous."

"B-but Aki, WE love the outside. WE love the snow and the park and-"

"NOT OUTSIDE!" He growls again as I feel his grip on me tighten almost to the point of strangulation. I have to calm down my breathing in order to ensure I am getting enough air.

"Sorry, Aki." I groan, and I feel his grip relax a bit. The purring pick up as he nuzzles his head in my neck. We stay like this perfectly still for nearly an hour when I notice the slow pace of Aki's breathe. I pry his hands off me and lean him back on the couch to see that he is sleeping. This is my chance. I quietly creep off the couch and start checking all the windows. I know the living room and kitchen windows are nailed shut but I haven't had time to check the bedrooms or bathroom. I check the bathroom window first and see that it doesn't matter if it was nailed shut for it was too small to crawl out of. I then check my room and the guest room only to find them both nailed down. In the guest room I start to feel the sting of tears pricking my eyes as I have to will myself not to cry in fear of waking up Aki. I sit myself down on the carpeted floor to ease my breath and as I do something shiny catches my eye under the bed. It is wrapped in some sort of heavy fabric and I reach under to pull the bundle out. Once it is in the light I immediately retract my hand and gasp at the sight. It is one of my brothers old jackets that I gave Aki only there is a long splatter of blood running up the sleeve and across the front chest. I visible gag as my brain starts panicking trying to figure out whose blood that is for I know it isn't Aki's. The light once again catching on something metal in the coat and I unwrap it to reveal exactly what I was looking for: a hammer. It was probably the same hammer Aki used to nail the door and windows shut. I quickly rewrap the hammer and shove it back under the bed so Aki wouldn't know I found it. This was my ticket out and I would be damned if my own carelessness ruined my chance at escape. I double checked to make sure it was exactly where I found it before returning to Aki who was still asleep on the couch. I force myself to get on the couch again and lay next to him. As soon as I do he wraps his arms around me and hugs me close. The feeling sends shivers down my spine but I force myself to remain put. I need Aki to believe I wasn't going to run away. I needed Aki to believe that I loved him. I needed him to trust me. That was the only way I would ever get my chance at escape which came later that same night.

Aki was clingy all afternoon and come bedtime he insisted on changing m clothes for me and tucking me into bed. My body was shivering like mad as I stood completely still as Aki slipped my shirt over my head and pulled off my pants. I was standing in my underwear and while Aki was defiantly pleased by this he didn't try to take advantage but instead gently slipped on my pajamas before picking me up and setting me down in bed. Once I was under the covers he crawled in next to me so I was trapped between Aki and the wall behind me. I dared myself to look into his eyes as he gently caressed the side of my cheek.

"I love you so much." He whispered as he pressed our foreheads together so I could feel his exhaling breath on my lips.

"I love you too Aki." I said through gritted teeth as I closed my eyes and pretending to fall asleep. Hours of motionless passed before I finally gained the courage to open my eyes and pear at Aki. He appeared sound asleep and I tested him by pulling at one of his ears. The ear flinched and he groaned quietly but did not move to pull my hand away. He must be asleep. I slowly pulled myself out from under the covers and crawled over the sleeping Aki. It felt like a century before I finally made it out of my bedroom and hurried down the hall to the guest bedroom. I pulled the hammer out from under the bed and immediately went to work on the window. Pulling out the nails took a lot of time especially when I was trying to be quiet but eventually I pulled out the last one and the window swung open sending in a gust of icy air. I did not hesitate and immediately crawled out the window falling into a snowbank. I quickly stood up and dusted the snow off of my pajamas and began to run towards Kyle's house just as I heard movement inside behind me.

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