First Kiss

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Aki pov.
When Y/n got home today she seemed tired and depressed. It hurt me to see her so down. All I wanted was to wrap my arms around her and squeeze all the sadness out, but that would've ruined the plan. I need her to seek comfort from me first and once she finally does we can forget about all these silly rules and go back to how it used to be. Still it hurts to see her sad. I swear whoever made her like this is going to have hell to pay when I find them.

Your pov.
When I got home that day Aki seemed conflicted and lost in thought. I still can't believe Kyle said all those things about him. Sure, Aki may be clingy but he is also very sweet and caring. As I finish my thought my phone rings and it's Kyle on the other end. I ignore his call but then the phone starts ringing again. At this point Aki has taken notice and is staring at me rather intensely from the couch. I quickly glide out of sight into the kitchen and answer the phone.


"Y/n, please listen to me!"

"I don't want to hear your excuses."

"I'm saying these things as your friend and because I care about you. Please just hear me out!"

"Listen Kyle, Aki is a good friend of mine and I dont want you bad mouthing him."

"Loo, I have to be honest with you when I say that Aki kind of creeps me out but if you like him that much......well then I guess I'll just have to get used to him."


"Of course. Y/n you are like my best friend on the whole planet. I couldnt bear to lose you just because of some fight. I'm coming over right now and the three of us can hang out together. Are you okay with that?"

"Of course. I cant wait."

"Then I'll see you soon."

"See you soon."

I hung up the phone and turned around to see Aki staring at me from the open doorway.

"Who was that?" He asked. He seemed a bit cross.

"Kyle. He's going to be coming over."


"He wants to hang out."

Aki looked at me blankly for a few seconds before shrugging and walking away. I know that he didnt much care for Kyle nor did Kyle care for him but for the sake of both friendships I had to make them get along.

"Aki can I talk to you about something?" I said as I approached Aki where he was laying on the couch. He looked up at me.

"What is it?"

"It's about Kyle. He is a good friend of mine and we've known each other since we were kids which is why I really want you two to get along since I like you alot as well. I know you dont like him but can you do me a favor and just get along, even if its just for today?"

Aki looked at me quizically as he tilted his head in thought.

"What do I get out of it?"

"My happiness."

"Can I have a kiss instead?" He asked with a smile as he leaned over the back of the back so we were facing each other.

"What? Why do you want a kiss?"

"I saw it on tv." He said innocently. "When you really like someone you show them affection by giving them kisses. Won't you kiss me Y/n? Dont you like me?"

"I like you Aki."

"So kiss me."

I scratched the back of my neck as I kept looking akwardly between Aki and my thumbs. This was just a frienship kiss, right? Just a small peck on the cheek. Its something that siblings or friends would do. Its normal. Although I kept thinking that I couldnt help but feel extremely flustered by the idea of giving Aki even a simple kiss on the cheek. Aki must have noticed because he slowly took hold of my hands and rubbed the back of my palm as he gazed at me sweetly with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Don't you like me?" He asked again. His ears were laying flat against his head while his tail was awkwardly wrapped around his waist. I swallowed hard as I yanked my hands away.

"O-only on the cheek." I stuttered as Aki's face lit up and he tilted his head and leaned forward awaiting his kiss. I leaned in to kiss his cheek but at the last second his head turned to face me and a hand grabbed hold of the back of my neck and pulled me in so our lips connected. His lips were cold and chapped compared to my own and while the kiss only lasted a second by the time we parted I was a petrified blushing mess as I sank to my knees with my hands holding my face in embarassment. Aki on the other hand looked excedingly proud as his blue eyes were lit up like christmas lights and his face was dusted with pick.  No sooner than our lips had parted, he had jumped off the couch, ran around the room a few times, and then dashed into my room all the while yelling.

"SORRY NOT SORRY!" He screamed as he closed the door behind him and sank to his feet. He had decided right then and there that this was the best moment of his life and he would never forget this for as long as he lived.

 So, to recap, there were two blushing messes inside and one impatient Kyle outside wondering why no one was answering the door.

Yandere Neko Boy x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن