Chapter 36: Epilogue.

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Lou's POV:

"I hope you miss us Lou, because you're finally going to have a life again. We're coming home tomorrow at noon." Raymond said through the phone.

WAIT! They come back tomorrow at noon? AT TWELVE PM? How am I going to get them ? How will I be able to clean the house or even go back there?

But most importantly, how am I going to tell Ryan I'm not living with him anymore?

"Who's going to pick you up? I can't drive remember?" I asked worried.

"Don't worry little one, dad said we'll take a cab." Ray said mockingly. I hate it when he calls me little one, just because he's older than me in like two minutes doesn't mean I'm little.

I was currently sitting in the living room while Ryan was in the kitchen preparing us lunch. Yes, he finally learned how to cook.

"So...Uhm. Don't you think it's too early to come back?" I asked nervously.

"What do you mean? We extended our vacation for two more weeks, I think it's time we come back. College starts in literally a month." Raymond said astonished.

Ryan sent me a look from the kitchen, reminding me to not forget to mention him to my dad. He insisted on meeting him when he arrives. And as I remembered that, an idea popped in my head.

"Uhm hey Ray, would you mind if me and a friend picked you up? He knows how to drive and wants to meet you guys." I asked calmly before hearing Ryan growl at the word 'friend' I just used.

"Wait, a HE? Well that's new! What the hell have you been doing all summer? Sleeping with someone? Not on my watch! That's why you weren't talking to us! HOLY SHIT I didn't know you were like that. Oh no! You're playing me! Who can possibly like you?..." Ray continued rambling on and on and I, well Ryan too, couldn't tolerate it.

"Will you shut the hell up! We're going to pick you up and you'll meet him! I'll explain everything tomorrow. Don't you dare lie to dad and tell him I'm like one of your friends! Or believe me, you will have no children Raymond!" I threatened him as he gulped but replaced it with a huff rapidly to not show he was taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"Fine. Whatever. I'm sure dad's not gonna like him anyway. See you tomorrow." And before I could say anything he hung up.

That fucker.

Ryan was groaning behind me, he heard all our conversation and wasn't happy with Raymond's attitude towards me. He believed that he could show me some respect. Clearly Ryan is an only child.

"Don't worry, we both know there's nothing that can possibly keep us apart. Believe me, I tried everything..." I told him before he shot me a glare and growled lowly as he remembered all the pain I brought to his ass which made me chuckle at all those great memories.

"I think I'll have to kidnap you again..." He whispered lowly.

"Don't you even think about it." I jumped and put on a horrified expression as I lifted my hand in a stopping motion which made him chuckle this time.

"You know I'll have to go back to my house when they come..." I sighed sadly. I'm going to miss Ryan, a lot.

"I know. But who said I'm not gonna convince him in any way possible?" He responded with amusement in his eyes. "And besides, if he doesn't let you move in with me, I'm moving in with you." He said like it was something normal he would do to anyone.

My eyes widened as I imagined him, literally moving in with us, and then I burst out laughing because I'm pretty sure he would fight Raymond all the time.

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