Chapter 9: "Don't look at me,I'm disgusting!"

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Lou's POV:

I woke up to see that this wasn't my room, nor a hospital bed.

My memories came back flooding my mind like a hurricane and I started to panic.

The wolves, the forest, they were about to eat me.

'WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?' I thought to myself.

I snatched the IV from my left arm, what happened to me? When was I saved? Who saved me? I didn't see anyone in the woods...I'm supposed to be dead!

Suddenly I saw my handbag laying on the chair in front of me, I pushed the sheets away from me and saw what I was wearing.

I was only wearing an oversized shirt, it arrived to my mid thighs. I checked to see if I was wearing any underwear, thank god I had some panties on...which weren't mine 'WHAT THE HELL, TO WHOM THIS PAIR OF UNDERWEAR BELONGS?' I screamed to myself as my eyes bulged out of their place.

I was not wearing a bra! Where were my clothes? Where am I? I need some explanations.

A bandage on my thigh caught my attention as soon as the shirt lifted a bit because I was trashing around, and the excruciating pain made me remember about the huge glass cut I got last night.

I then rushed out of bed, I thought I would walk normally but I fell on the floor, hard might I add. I stumbled to the chair and got my handbag searching for my phone, I needed to call someone...anyone! Where was my phone? It was not in my bag.

I heard footsteps coming closer towards the door, without thinking I took my handbag threw it at the bed and lifted myself up so I was on the bed too. I pushed the sheets over me and closed my eyes to fake my sleep so the person would go away.

'You literally would do anything to not interact with people now won't you?' Yes.

The door opened and what shocked me next was his words.

"I know you're awake, I heard some noise coming from your bedroom." His voice was so manly, so attractive and soft but firm at the same time. But his voice was also familiar, I think I heard it before.

I opened my eyes slowly and was surprised to see the guy I bumped into two days ago! That beautiful guy...

I kept staring at him, then at the now empty chair, hoping he wouldn't see that my handbag disappeared. But he followed my gaze and noticed that the chair was empty.

"Your bag was just here. Oh no! you took it. Your leg, you can't move your leg!" He said striding towards me, his voice was filled with worry and I saw a glance of panic in his eyes.

"What are you doing? Stay away from me!" I shouted while he pushed the sheets away, and what I saw was beyond shocking. A pool of blood stained the white sheets, but the blood wasn't there earlier when I woke up!

"What the he..." I was interrupted when he suddenly lifted me up bridal style and took me to the bathroom.

"WHAT THE HELL! PUT ME DOWN NOW!" I screamed to him but he didn't listen, he placed me on the edge of the bathtub and started opening the bandage carefully.

"Put your leg on my knee." He ordered and I did as told, but very slowly since it was difficult to move my right leg.

He took a pair of scissors and started cutting the bandage now full of blood.

"You're the guy from two days ago." I said weakly.

"No, from four days ago." He corrected. Wait from four days ago?

"How long was I asleep?" I asked shocked.

'Your breath must stink, sleeping beauty.' That's not really the issue here Lorraine.

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