Chapter 21 | The Visitor

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Chapter 21 | The Visitor

Luna Oswald is finally back inside her room. The only source of light was the moonlight coming from the moon outside her window, everything else was covered in darkness.

Luna Oswald sighed and decided to pace around the room. Her thoughts running from one event to another, she's trying to determine why would Salvi try to attack now.

She's figuring out a plan to stop them permanently.

She didn't notice the figure inside the room watching her closely.

"My, my, my, aren't you a very responsible Luna." A young sultry voice said.

Luna Oswald's shields were automatically erected and her wolf was more alert now than ever. A threat is here.

"Who are you?" Luna Oswald growled lowly.

"Me?" Asked the voice as she slowly stepped away from the corner of the room. She walked towards luna Oswald with no fear nor hesitation in her steps.

The woman finally entered Luna Oswald's vision and there she saw long pale legs coming out from the slit of a bloody red dress clingling tightly to a body that can make any man's mouth water with long luscious chestnut hair ending at her waist, the woman's face looks heavenly but it was her eyes that captivated people.

They were silvery white.

The woman smiled and revealed white perfectly aligned teeth. Her bloody red lips stretched out and smiled mockingly.

"It's a shame that you don't remember me, Luna Oswald." The woman tsked at her while looking up at the pale silvery white moon.

"Who are you?" Luna Oswald asked once again, her eyes were now brilliant gold, her wolf is making itself known but she would not attack, not until she knows what she's facing.

"I am the great witch Melaniya." The woman finally answered as she sat down on a chair. Melaniya looked at Luna Oswald expectedly and invited her to sit down.

"How did you get in my territory?" Luna Oswald asked. She knew that facing off a witch would be challenging, after all not much is really known with them since they tend not to socialize much with the supernatural society.

And the witch named herself as Melaniya.

Almost every supernatural being has heard of Melaniya, she was the great witch who once helped the Werewolves during another war waged by the humans once they realize their existence.

Melaniya casted a spell that made every human being forget the existence of the supernatural being.

But like all magic, it isn't guaranteed to be perfect.

Some humans still retained pieces of their memories and would often express them by telling stories to other people.

Melaniya's magic is so strong that until now her spell still stands.

"Why have you come here?" Luna Oswald asked calmly as she stared at the woman in front of her. Her guard not once wavering.

"I have come here because it is finally time," Was the witch's reply as she stood up and walked closer to the window.

"What are you talking about?"

"I came here for a friend's request, Luna Oswald." The witch said as she glanced at the moon above.

Luna Oswald narrowed her eyes at the witch in front of her.

"Why did you come here, Melaniya? Are you here just to make fun of me? You didn't come here out of the goodness of your heart, what is your motive? I must warn you, I hold grudges." Luna Oswald said in a threatening tone as she bared her teeth.

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