Chapter 15: A day together

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Ashley's POV

I groaned in frustration on feeling the warm sun rays hitting on my face.


I wanted to sleep a little more but eventually I opened my eyes as I couldn't go back to sleep after tossing and turning a few times. I glanced at the spot beside me and frowned on finding it empty.

Where's Kevin?

Did he left for work early, I wondered.

But didn't got a chance to think any further as I felt a wave of nausea hit me and I rushed to the bathroom as I felt everything that I had last night coming back up to my throat.

After I was done I washed my mouth and brushed my teeth. Ugh I hate this morning sickness, I was free from it for a few days and assumed that I was one of those lucky pregnant womens who don't spent their whole morning and even day puking in the toilet.

But I was just proven wrong a few minutes ago.

"You didn't like the chicken I had last night or are you just trying to trouble your mommy huh, you have been so good from the past few days that I almost forgot that you are still in there" I said to myself and giggled at my own words while walking out of the bathroom.

Oh shit I guess that I forgot that now I don't live alone too, I thought as I saw Kevin laughing at me. I think he heard my little self talk.

Of course he did you idiot, I kinda scolded myself.

"What, can't a mother and her baby have a little secret talk now" I said as he stopped laughing.

"No of course you both can" he replied grinning "Oh and I have cooked breakfast for you" he added giving me an extra smiley smile.

"The workaholic Kevin Diaz cooked breakfast for me instead of going to his work" I said over dramatically but with genuine surprise "Am I dreaming or something" I added pinching myself...well a fake pinch.

"Okay stop with your drama, I know you are still mad at me for not telling you that we were moving" he replied then pointing at the breakfast tray kept on the night stand he continued "So this is my small attempt to gain your forgiveness".

Yes I'm still mad at him, it's been four days since we moved to our new house, this new house is really beautiful though a little smaller then the one in which we lived before but that's what I like about it and honestly I don't know if I'm still that mad at him or not because he's been really sweet and caring all the time when I have been angry at him.

"Okay I'll forgive you if the food tastes good and if I can keep it down" I said and murmured the last part to myself.

Soon I finished off the entire plate of pancakes which were laced with honey and topped with chopped strawberries, as Kevin just looked at me with amusement all the time.

But you can't blame me because I just emptied my stomach and I was damn hungry and not to forget that I'm eating for two now.

"Okay fine you are forgiven" I said.

"Okay then get ready we are going out" he replied.

"Where" I asked wondering if there's some place or some relative we needed to visit today.

"Just wherever you want" he replied shrugging casually with his hands tucked in his pockets as I frowned.

"But I already forgive you so..." I spoke but he interrupted me.

"It's not about forgiveness it's just that I realized that maybe I'm not really trying that hard, I wasn't able to give you my time but now I will so tell me what do you want to do today, it's your day" he said as my lips broke into a big smile.

"You remember the zoo we used to visit when we were kids, lets go there" I replied excited after thinking a while.

"Come on Ash seriously we are not kids anymore I thought you would want to go for shopping or for lunch" he said in a bored tone.

"No worries we'll do that too and remember you said that today is mine" I replied pointing a finger at myself while saying the last part.

"Okay fine" he said "I think I'm gonna regret saying that" he added to himself before heading out.

First we went to the zoo but it was too crowded which suddenly changed my mood and I didn't want to go in there any longer to which Kevin was very glad. So we went for shopping.

"So what do you want" he asked.

"Maybe we should buy something for this little one" I replied unknowingly placing my hand on my belly as he nodded his head.

"Kevin I'm so confused if I should buy all girly clothes or boyish ones we don't even know the gender yet" I said with a cute little pink t-shirt in my one hand and a blue one in the other while examining which one is more cute before shoving both of them in front of his face to choose.

"Maybe we should just buy both" he replied confused himself and like that we bought many clothes really not considering what the colour is and we also bought a crib.

Maybe I should start decorating the nursery...or maybe not as I think it's too early to do that...ugh I don't know I'm too hungry to think straight right now.

So after shopping we had lunch but actually it was past lunch time so I don't know what to call it exactly anyways after that we stopped by a park which is near our old house, we used to come here a lot in childhood.

"Everything is so changed" I said breaking the silence as we just sat on a bench.

"Yes everything...even our relation the last time we came here as little kids and friends and now as husband and wife" he replied looking at the kids who were playing around.

And again there was silence between us as I also watched the kids playing and smiled thinking that after few months I'll have my baby in my arms.

After a while we both chuckled at the same time as we watched that a little boy pushed a girl off the swing but now as she started crying he's trying to make her quite making cute funny faces and even holding his ears a few times.

"That scene rings a bell" I said looking at him.

"Yeah it does" he replied grinning.

"You were so mean, I remember how we used to fight over who'll sit on the swing first and each time you losed the argument you just used to push me off the swing" I said chuckling.

"Yeah but I was also there to wipe your tears every time you cried after falling down, I hated tears in your eyes...I still do and no matter how many times I might hurt you unknowingly I'll always be there with you in every situation" he replied as I nodded my head.

"Yes no matter what our relation is now but we'll always be friends, the little kids who used to fight all the time but yet couldn't be parted" I said resting my head on his shoulder as the sun started to set.

I smiled when he kissed the top of my head gently before resting his head against mine as the cool breeze went by caressing my cheeks.

There was something changing between us slowly and I didn't even realize it.


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Bye until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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