Chapter 12: Honeymoon

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Ashley's POV

After Kevin left to get a drink I was not feeling sleepy at all and was getting bored as hell so I decided to join him but of course I was not going to drink.

But I didn't knew where he went so I just walked out towards the beach and not so far from where I was I noticed a club maybe he went there, thinking so I walked in the club searching for him here and there, soon I spotted him.

I was about to walk towards him but stopped in my tracks when I saw a girl with him, they were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I decided to just stay where I was and watch them.

Suddenly she hugged him out of nowhere and it was then I saw her face properly.

Oh shit it's Melina his girlfriend.

Well ex girlfriend, I corrected myself in my head.

I frowned as I saw Kevin hugging her back, what was the need to hug her.

I wonder what she is doing here.

Oh no, so it's Kevin who called her here after all her being on the same place where we came for our so called honeymoon can't be a coincidence.


I knew this would happen after all whom was I trusting, a man who never wanted to settle down, who never wanted to be tied down to only one women for his entire life.

But I never thought that he would cheat on me on our honeymoon itself, I never imagined that he would hurt me like this. I get it that we didn't marry because of love but still I was trying to make this marriage work as I thought he was trying too but no I was so damn wrong.

I stormed out of the bar in anger and went back to the beach house.

I sighed.

Maybe I'm just overreacting, I know I shouldn't be assuming things just like that without even talking to him about it. Maybe her being here was really just a mere coincidence.

I should just trust Kevin, after all they were just hugging eachother not anything else and friends can hug right.

"Relax Ashley" I said to myself while lying down on the bed to rest for sometime, sure I was not feeling tired before but now I do.

"Wake up sleepy head we are not here to sleep" I heard a voice but I didn't even move a bit so soon enough the source of that voice pulled the warm comforting duvet off me.



"Get lost Kevin if you don't want to get yourself killed" I said trying to pull the duvet back from him.

"Oh my god I'm so scared" he replied sarcastically as I glared at him.

"Come on now you don't want to miss the views of the amazing places we are about to visit" he added before leaving the room walking to God knows where.

I sighed getting up lazily and walked straight to the bathroom to take a bath.

I'm starting to get too lazy now days not that I was not a little lazy before but still I didn't used to sleep for so long.

After dozing off last night I slept like I had no worries in the world and didn't even realize when Kevin came back wait maybe he came back just now and that means he stayed out the whole night...what might he be doing for so long.

Ugh, I really need to stop this. I just keep overreacting like I did last night, I'm not even sure if he was out the entire night or not. I'm just acting like a typical wife who doesn't trust her husband enough and I don't like it at all.

Why am I being so insecure, it's not like we both love eachother or something. I mean yes I do love him but only as a friend nothing more then that.

Anyways he can do whatever the hell he wants, he can live his own life the way he wants and I'll live mine the way I want.


No complications.

"Right no complications" I whispered while looking at myself in the mirror and shrugged before walking back into the room as I finished my bath lost in my own thoughts.

First we headed to the Matira beach and then some other places. People mostly speak french and tahitian here well I can't even speak a single word of these languages but that's not a problem for me because obviously I won't be staying here for forever...well I think I'm not so good at comedy.

Anyways our last place to visit for the day was mount otemanu and as we reached there we decided to head back to the beach house because I was super tired and also because Kevin thought that hiking and all won't be so good for me specially after a long tiring day.

Well I don't know what to say about this sometimes he annoys me as hell and sometimes makes me simply happy just by his small caring gestures.

I smiled thinking so, leaning my head against the seat and didn't even realize when sleep took over me.

The next morning I again woke up to the same voice and almost the same words.

"Wake up sleepy head" he said but this time there was some kind of emergency in his voice.

"Something wrong" I asked yawning.

"Not exactly but we need to leave" he replied while placing our things in the bag "I know you were happy about this trip but I have a really important meeting well actually dad was supposed to attend this meeting but he's not feeling well so atleast one of us needs to be there" he added giving me a sorry look.

"It's fine I understand" I said before walking towards the bathroom.

Well time to go back to normal life...but too early.

"I promise we'll come back here sometime again" he said as we sat beside eachother in the car heading towards the airport.

"Actually it's good that we are leaving because I can't tolerate you anymore" I replied jokingly as he just rolled his eyes.


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Bye until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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