twelve | the tattoo

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After our skydiving we decided to explore Wasaga a bit more before we headed out. Which is why I find myself attempting to climb giant boulders on the beach because Zach thinks it will be cool.

"Keep up Lenny, geez Riley could get up here faster than you could."

Biting my tongue, I snarky reply "My sincerest apologies for not being an expert in boulder climbing. I'll be sure to change that as quickly as possible."

Chucking, Zach says "That's all I ask."

After about another minute of climbing I catch up to Zach at the top, he then grabs onto my hand and pulls me up.

Not expecting him to pull me with such force, I'm yanked into his personal space, with just an inch separating our faces.

I'm about to pull away, before I get creepy and stare into his beautiful grey eyes for longer than acceptable he lightly says "See Lenny, totally worth it."

Making sure to try and keep my breathing even, I breathlessly reply "Well I've only seen your face so far, so I would have to disagree."

Smiling, Zach brings a hand up to trace the features of my face. My breath caught when his fingers traced my cheeks. Forcing myself to breath normally, I look to his eyes, to see he's looking at my lips.

"It wouldn't be a moment if you didn't almost ruin it with your sarcasm Lenny."

Swallowing the lump in my throat I question "Moment?"

A small smile graces his face as he nods his head. "This is a moment, Lenny." he says "You see, the beautiful scenery, our close proximity, my sexy self."

Laughing, I place my head on his chest as he chuckles too. I then push him away from me and say "Very funny."

Turning away from Zach, I try to calm my racing heart and catch my breath.

I'm not sure why he effects me so badly, but it needs to stop. It's bad enough we're friends now, but if our relationship escalates he's going to hate me when he finds out I didn't tell him I have cancer. That can't happen.

I look up, about to friendzone Zach when my breath catches, for a reason other than Zach Dawson.

It's about 1:00pm now, causing the sun to be in a perfect position to illuminate the lake. The forest and islands in the background bring greenery into the scene. It's picture perfect. Walking to edge of the boulder, I look down and see the waves crashing into the rocks causing me to smile.

Turning back I see Zach watching me. "You were right." I admit "It was worth it."

His smile matches mine as he says "Yeah, it was."


After climbing back down we decided to leave Wasaga and start driving to our next destination, Blue Mountain.

After sending Dylan a quick text, I got in the car and we began driving.

I still haven't texted my parents. I have a few lengthy voicemails from them that I also have not listened to yet. I don't want to be reminded of everything I'm trying to forget. I don't want them to list all of the reasons why this was a stupid idea, and I don't want them telling me to come back home.

I just want a break from reality.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when Zach asks "You okay, Lenny?"

Sending him a small smile I answer "Yeah I'm alright, I was just texting Dylan."

Nodding he asks "Have you spoken to your parents yet?"

"No." I admit "They're going to lose their shit, and I don't think I'm ready to deal with that right now."

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