five | night out

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It's Thursday. My favourite day.

It may be a weird choice for my favourite day. I'm sure there are many arguments that could be made for Friday or Saturday being the better choice for a favourite day. But I love Thursday's.

Thursday is the day Dylan and I go out for dinner together at our favourite diner Linda's, then we go bowling, or do whatever we feel like doing afterwards.

It's the one day a week I let myself live, it's my one selfish choice.

I mean afterwards all I think about is how sad Thursday's are going to make him when I die, but I can't seem to stop going.

Thursday nights make me happy.

So that's why I find myself rushing home from another hospital visit, so I can shower and get ready to go.

I chose my usual dark coloured clothing - black jeans, combat boots, burgundy t shirt, and my leather jacket, with my dark hair in two french braids.

I make my way downstairs to see Dylan already waiting for me at the door, smiling when he see's me.

"Ready to go, Vampy?"

Rolling my eyes and punching his shoulder I say "Shut up Dyl, before I change my mind and take my pale ass back up to bed to watch Stranger Things all night instead."

He then lightly chuckles, grabs his keys and heads to the car.


Arriving at Linda's I notice there's a lot more people here than usual, and walking inside I realize why.

Karaoke night.

Great. Zaina, Daniel and Noah will be here. They love karaoke, it used to be our thing.

Now it's their thing.

Dylan of course knows this, which is why lightly grabs my elbow and says "Lee, we don't have to go in there. We can go somewhere else tonight."

But no. Dylan loves this place, and he loves the people in there. So my selfish Thursday is going to have to wait a week.

Tonight will be for Dylan.

So I shake my head and say "Don't worry Dyl, I'll be fine. Might even have some fun."

Even as the words are coming out of my mouth I know they're lies. But I'm hoping my small smile will be enough for him to believe my lie.

And like always, it is.

So we head in, and luckily our corner booth is still open.

How lucky.

We get our usual, my fish and chips, and Dylan's jumbo burger, wings, and fries.

I scrunch my nose up in disgust when it's brought over and say "Jesus Dyl, how do you eat all of that without becoming obese, or throwing all that shit up?"

He chuckles in reply, and while shaking his head he grabs his burger, takes a big bite and says "I'm a growing boy. I need to eat."

I roll my eyes, and give him a small laugh, and get lost in talking about our newest Netlifx obsession. This weeks being Stranger Things.

"Dyl, everybody loves Mike and Eleven. I don't even know how this is a debate."

Right as he's about to reply, his friends call his name.

I look over, and all his friends, along with my old friends are there waving him over.

Dylan. Singular.

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