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After the incident, Scorpius started to notice that in either of his dads' classes they didn't seem to pay him any attention. He couldn't speak so he assumed that meant they were going to ignore him too wasn't. He wrote a letter to his papa one day in Defense then waited til after class to give it to him. The man had only sighed and shaken his head.

"I told your father I wasn't getting involved. There are consequences for your actions, Scorp. It may not have seemed like it because he was so angry, but you hurt your dad's feelings. He only wants what's best for you. We both do. Now, get to your next class."

To be honest, Scorpius couldn't believe himself. He had called his father a death eater...even if he hadn't said it out loud. By not taking his potions, those were the type of thoughts he was letting run rampant. He hadn't been late for a dose since.

When he had entered the hospital wing for them after missing so many doses, Madam Pomfrey was frenzied. When he explained how he felt she explained that he wasn't only taking a potion for his ADD. It was for- well, everything. His potion is what had made his father qualified for a job as a potions master.

Draco Malfoy had spent years perfecting a potion that would ease some pf the symptoms from his sons problems. It was an antidepressant but it was also a stimulant and anything else the boy needed to keep him feeling balanced. His dad had done that just for him.

He positioned himself into a ball and cried. Pomfrey let him spend the rest of the day sleeping in the infirmary.


  Scorpius is tossing his clothes onto the bed then magically folding them and forcing them into his trunk. He's had plenty of time to think about the situation with his father and he knows for a fact he could have handled it better. We both could have, he insists to himself, though he knows he's wrong. 

"I don't believe my eyes," said Manish, the dark-indian boy who shared a room with Scorpius, walking in while surveying the room. "There is a girl looking for you at the portrait hole, Malfoy. A slytherin! Do you know any slytherin girls? I told her you had no idea who she was." He shrugged. "Made her pretty upset too. You're such a heartbreaker, Malfoy."

Scorpius motioned towards his mouth angrily. Manish knew who Olivia was, they had all snuck down to the kitchens together. It was the last day of school and he had been practically mute for the last two weeks and Manish already knew that, he just liked to mess with him and the blonde attempted to growl at him.

"I know what you're thinking, Scorp. 'Well did you at least tell her I was sorry, Manny?' And the answer is-" he beats against his leg for a second to simulate a drumroll. "Absolutely not." The darker boy smiled goofily at him and Scorpius couldn't help but smile and silently guffaw at his friend. He had a way of bringing the boy's spirits up that only he could.

Manish Savant  was tall as bloody fucking hell. No exaggeration. The only reason Scorpius even noticed this was because the boy was taller than him and everyone had always called him tall before. Manish who usually just went by Manny was well built for a 12 year old, like he had been playing sports in the womb, but oddly enough he was terrible at quidditch. History of Magic was more his speed. His dark hair, with navy blue highlights, hung loosely around his shoulders, and he preferred it that way, because it covered a series of pale patches that started on his neck and trailed onto the top of his left arm. Vitiligo, Scorpius remembers as he surveys his friend then looks back at the boy's face and blinks slowly. The darker boy shrugs in response before crouching down to peek into his empty trunk.

"Why aren't you trying to hang out with Olivia again?" the boy says on the floor now, searching under his bed for whatever he had come back to the room for in the first place. Some of the kids were throwing a party before they left the next day for summer hols. Scorpius couldn't be bothered. He mouths the words purposefully and is able to accio a sheet of blank parchment. He has started writing and using a spell to read it aloud to his friends. The voice was unnatural but it got the job done.

"She's been teaching me some sign language. Her younger brother's deaf. She keeps wanting to sign with me and talk, but I just want to be alone for a bit. I feel like I'm never alone anymore."

"Dude," says Manny standing up proudly and brushing off a smuggled bottle of fire whiskey for the party. His glasses are crooked and Scorpius snorts. "Even when you can't talk, you talk a lot." The blonde playfully throws a pillow at him before they both laugh good naturedly. He turns around with a goofy lopsided grin once he gets to the door. "I'll tell her you're sleeping or something and make sure no one else lets her in."

Scorpius flops backwards onto the bed, just for a moment, before forcing himself up to finish packing.


Harry is standing in front of his fifth year class discussing how he learned the importance of wand care when it comes to performing protection spells. Any speck of dust or grime or residue from a previous spell could completely change your simple protego into a death trap. He hears a gurgle and freezes. When he hears it again he sighs and looks up to find Teddy watching him raptly with a small smile on his face. The ravenette nods and Teddy is bursting from his seat, excited to be able to hold even one of his little sisters. His hair is flying through the colors of the rainbow when he comes back carrying Anita Lily.

"Lyra's still asleep," he says with a pout and Harry can't help but laugh.

"You have all summer, Ted," his dad reminds him, taking the bouncing 6 month old bundle from his arms and earning a gummy grin. The class laughs and he transfigures his desk chair into a walker for the girl to bounce around in. The ravenette teaches the rest of the lesson with a gurgling baby giggling in the audience. He laughs to himself when he looks back and realizes it looks like she is really attempting to listen to the rest of his lecture. He dismisses the class early after that. He's their last class of the day and even he is ready for summer.


hello again futher muckers
again...not my favorite chapter, but i do love manny

i hope the potion thing makes sense.
basically draco created a potion so scorp wouldn't be affected by the full scope of all his things (depression, anxiety, foa, ADD, stuttering), but scorp has been taking it for so long he never knew his dad was the one who invented it & assumed it was only for the ADD and stuttering so he didn't think they are doing anything and slowly stopped taking them (which is one reason why he's been having so many breakdowns and anger episodes in succession)also teen rebellion. also too sad and needs his antidepressants to be a tiny bit adjusted and everything just needs to be fine tuned again because he's older.

but now he's a bit more grateful nonetheless

one chappie left. well...an epilogue left for this fic. lol

as always hope you enjoyed
lemme know what you think

love y'all frfr

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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