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Christmas Eve

Its hard for Draco to pinpoint the exact moment he was tired of being stuck in the manor even for Christmas. He thinks it had something to do with the Granger-Weasleys coming back with the rest of the Weasleys and their spouses and their children. They didn't come through the floo this time, which was great, but opening your front door and seeing an array of Weasleys that extended that far beyond his first step almost made him faint.

"Potter!" He screeched, leaving the door open and spinning around abruptly to go and find his husband. Obviously this was that raven haired git's fault. He stomped up the stairs deliberately, until he started hearing them letting themselves in and he broke into a miniature sprint up the rest of the stairs and flung their bedroom door open. "There are Weasleys in my house! My father is going to be here in less than an hour and there are Weasleys in the manor!"

"He's already met Ron and Hermione and their kids, remember? Last year," Harry says lowering the book on baby wizards and peeking questionably over the top as if Draco had lost it. The Weasley clan was in his house. Of course he'd lost it.

"Not the Granger-Weasleys, Potter. The entire bloody Weasley clan! There are generations of Weasleys down there. Oh, Merlin. They're downstairs." Harry had bolted off the bed as quickly as his body would allow, but the blonde didn't realize because he had put his head in his hands and let out a whine. "They're probably touching all of mother's good china."

"Draco, love," the darker man said calmly before snapping. "Nobody wants your mother's sodding china! She probably doesn't even want it, considering it's in our house!"

"Ha~arry!" He continued to whine. "It takes an entire day to let the charms set to elongate the table in the dining room. Can't you just tell them to leave?"

"No, I can't," huffed Harry moving towards the door before kissing his husband's cheek. He waddled towards the stairs before Draco pulled him back into the room. "If it was just Ron and 'Mione then maybe, but the Weasleys have always been there for me. I can't just turn them away..." he sighed. "I will let them know a thing or two about just inviting themselves over."

"Oh no," the blonde said once he had finally lifted his head up. "You are not going out there in your pajamas! Weasleys or no, my parents are still on their way."

"And what are they going to do, kick me out of the family?" Harry tried to argue, but he stomped back into the room and changed into a pair of jeans and his favorite Christmas jumper, that happened to be one Mrs. Weasley had knitted a few years prior a bit too large then. Even though he hadn't been talking to his best friend's, she still sent an owl. He stubbornly kept his bedroom shoes on. He was pregnant and in his own home. "Your mother loves me. As for Lucius- well, he came to the wedding didn't he?"

"So did your friends," Draco mumbled under his breath before brushing past him into the corridor and down the stairs.

"Malfoy!" called the darker man clearly not done with the conversation, but also needing his husband's help to actually maneuver through the house, before wabbling after his frustrating blonde. The man in question simply rolled his eyes but stopped where he was on the steps to help his rounded husband down the rest of the stairs, careful to not miss the dip in the last one.

Scorpius was sitting on the couch practically a mile from Hugo who couldn't seem to get any closer without being blown back. The messy haired red-head looked disappointed, but not discouraged as he pushed forward harder, the parents started to notice the spark of magic as Hugo hit what seemed to be a wall. When the ravenette looked to the paler man for an explanation he only got a shrug of his shoulders prior to turning back towards his son.

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