chapter thirteen - the day before school begins

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It has been several weeks since I came to Aqua's troublesome tea party of disgusted boys and discoveries of strawberry tea. It's actually the day before school starts, and I have been awfully nervous. But, luckily, I remembered about En. I still have someone who could support my acts since he's one of my only hopes in this life.

 Another thing is, Aqua will start going to the school I go to since she has been discovered to be one of the strongest healers in the world, and no one wants to keep that girl off herself without being recognised.

 For me, I'm known as the strongest for dark magic, and for some utter reason, I worship the God of Darkness. That's nonsense really.

 It's really hard for others to understand that I have changed in a positive way, so I won't bother the sweet princess any longer.

 Plus, the princess has so many fellow love interests who would never let me talk alone with her since I was a bully anyway.

 For school, I will be using a uniform. With a short leg showing skirt! How much do I hate short skirts? As much as I hate....those annoying boys Aqua calls friends.

 Luckily, I'll be using a black stocking and some dark coloured boots. And my hair will be different. I used to have just long hair, that reached my waist. I'm cutting it.

  And then, I'll braid the leftover hair strands on the front of my head, what I mean, the hair that falls front, but like, the right side. (Look at the cover to understand)

 Anyway, if you compare school from here to Earth, the uniforms look similar in a way, but the things you learn can be really different since magic exists here, and nobles are everywhere around the globe.

 My guard, En, he'll be in the same class as me, same schedule, and we will sit across from each other. From what I've heard, En is quite popular with girls so I can make them jealous...

 I snickered. En looked at me, confused.

 Right now, I'm just buying some materials for tomorrow, what I mean is school.

 And from my memories, school is much more easier when it comes to math. Very easy. Now that I said that, I don't feel as nervous anymore!


 Well, anyway, I also (and lastly) figured that Felt would be there too starting tomorrow, isn't that amazing? I'm proud to know him!


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