Chapter 38

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My eyes were firmly glued to the child in front of me. Nathaniel seemed to excel at everything that was taught to him. It was surprising how much he was like and unlike myself. 

Although we both could kill easily, he seemed to have an easier time of it than I did at his age. But he also had feelings and emotions that I didn't which seemed to contradict that type of attitude. It was all very interesting. I'd like to open him up and see what's inside. 

"What do you want me to do now," he asked as he looked up at me. His dark grey hair was plastered to his neck and forehead as he swiped a hand across his face. 

"You've been training with Nightmare and getting a better handle on the Soul Weapon these past few weeks so I thought we'd begin trying to work with your Magic. I've got two of your Elements so it will be a simple feat training you in it. My issue though is that although you may be a Five Star Magic User now, you're still really young. I'm unsure how your body will handle certain techniques and skills that you may learn."

Nathaniel glowered at me and said, "I'll be fine."

He may say that but I was still unsure whether he would be or not. 

~Deep within the Deathlands~

Eyes of swirling grey with blood red streaks flashing through, opened suddenly. A volcanic eruption immediately followed and the heat from the lava washed over this person's eyes, completely obscurring it.

A magical wave swept throughout the land but seemed to die before leaving the barrier that surrounded the Deathlands. That wasn't to say that the barrier hadn't been left with multiple fissures from the immense power behind the shockwave.

Creatures that had been hidden within the land began to form large groups and made their way towards the wall. Things that had been long ago banished to this dead land in order to protect the people from complete devestation. Hunger pulsed throughout them all and their salivating mouths opened at the thought of leaving here.

For centuries they'd had to feed on the other creatures here which meant they'd been left with rough disgusting food for a long time. Some remembered the taste of the Magic users and couldn't help picking up their pace to rush towards the barrier.

The first creatures to reach the barrier begun to use their body to ram into it but this held little effect. Even when the stronger creatures showed up and used their innate magic it did little to the barrier. This didn't deter the creatures though and they continuously beat at the barrier. Hoping that it will eventually collapse.


My attention quickly turned towards the direction I'd felt something from. Something dangerous and dark was that way. I knew for a fact that it had woken up but wasn't completely awake yet. That magic was terrifying.

"You felt it as well," Damon asked beside me. I looked over to see his pensive eyes that narrowed as they attempted to see into the distance.

He wouldn't be able to see anything but I understood the feelings he was receiving. We were killers but whatever that was held no empathy or emotion. It was a feeling of complete darkness.

"What is that?"

Damon turned his eyes away from the distance and looked down at me. "It felt very similar to something I only recently felt. This though, seems much more ancient and deadly."

Vincent looked up at the both of us from the books he was currently reading and gave us questioning looks. 

"You didn't feel anything?"

He tilted his head slightly and shifted his eyes towards the direction Damon and I were looking towards before he shook his head but paused. 

"No, but I do slightly feel like my heart is beating to much. Do you know why?"

I turned towards him and just leveled a stare at him. Was he really this naive and dumb or was this an act?

"Your heart is palpitating and you don't understand why? Are you afraid," I couldn't help the sarcasm. It was probably because, I myself, was very terrified of what I just felt. Looking at Damon, his muscles seemed tense as well. I watched in fascination as his pectorals kept twitching. 


I drew in a gasp as something seemed to slide across my skin. Magic that I'd never felt before caressed my skin, making the smalls hairs on my body stick up on end. 

What in the world is that? I'd never felt anything close to this before. It reminded me of the time I'd jumped out of an airplane in my previous life. Gut turning, heart palpitating but with a shiver of excitement. There was no complete feeling behind the magic but it felt seductive somehow. 

Where was it even coming from? 

It vanished before I could even try to trace the Magic back to where ever it came from. When I checked my body for any lasting damage I realized that beneath my skin there was more of that strange gold element. It pulsed with strength that shouldn't be contained inside of my smaller vessel compared to the men of this world. 

Did that Magic help me?

It was baffling and there was no one to ask about the strange occurrence so I let out a breath and tried to calm my mind to collect myself before going hunting before it got to dark. 

A/N: I'm feeling a bit better but I have an appointment tomorrow that has me extremely stressed out. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. No, the 'Demon King' will not be a part of the story until later on but this is kind of like foreshadowing I suppose. Hope you Readers aren't to upset. 

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