Author's Notice

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Sorry everyone for the slow update; probably not so slow for a lot of you but it seems that way to me as an Author. 

I'm currently about 2 chapters away from finishing one of my other books and I'm trying to just hurry and finish it and then I'll be back with this one. Honestly it'll be maybe 2 days at the most. I just had to write a Notice for you all because *gasp* it's been 4 days since I last updated. THAT'S REALLY LONG FOR ME! Ugh. As a person who loves reading... I just can't condone an Author who doesn't update fast. lol. I'm really just badmouthing myself. 

I'm really surprised people liked my book to be honest. It hadn't even been a well thought out story line. At first I was just thinking 'This is something I haven't seen let's just throw it out there and mix it up' but now I'm really liking it. 

To be honest, I have no idea where it's going. My characters aren't ever typical characters that you find in other books. When I say this I mean: Shy only, Tsundre, Yandere, et c. These types of 'stereotypes'. Honestly this isn't how a person is in real life. Depending on the situation, life story, events that occur in a person's life; all of these things changes people's personalities. So I would just like to say that if at any time my Characters seem 'OOC' it's not really true because an individual is prone to change depending on the circumstances they find themselves in. 

Sometimes really nice people just have the sudden urge to punch people in the faces but we don't say "YOU TOTALLY WENT OOC BOB!'' in real life.. I don't know who Bob is but clearly someone thought he went ooc. Just saying. 
Thanks for being patient with me. 

As a side note: Do you guys think I should take 'Otome' off my tag. Even though it is based around one? It's just that I've seen other Otome game novels and usually it's solely based around romance. Where as right now mine isn't going to head there for quite a bit. 

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