Chapter 11 - Bad Dreams

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[I want to grow old with you, Westlife]


Thea, honey, hurry up; we're going to be late if you're not going down now. Thea!" My mom shouted from downstairs. Today is my seventeenth birthday. Me, my mom, and my dad are going to have a special dinner that my parents have already prepared for tonight. I can't help but feel so excited. I think this is going to be the best birthday ever. I wore the dress that my mom bought for me yesterday with my dad. It's a really nice dress that falls to my knees, and it's also a long sleeve. It just fit me so well. I put my hair into a ponytail and then rushed out of my room.

"Thea!" I heard my mom call my name again.

"I'm coming! Coming mom, dad. I'm ready. Let's go." I said after I rushed from my room to go downstairs.

"You look so gorgeous, honey. Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter." My dad said, Kiss my head.

"Happy birthday, Thea. I love you so much. Now, you're bigger, so you can take care of yourself." My mom hugs me. When I've already made my way to the door, my dad stops me.

"Thea, before we go, this is from both of us." My dad gives me a small box, and I smile at them both.

What is it?" I ask excitedly.

"Open it." My mom said I immediately opened the box and saw the beautiful necklace with my name written on it.

"Oh my god! This is so beautiful. Thank you, mom and dad! I love you so much." I took it out, and my mom helped me put it on my neck.

"It suits you very well. Take care of this necklace like you would your life. Alright?" I nodded my head, and the three of us hugged again. After that, three of us get into the car.

Mom, you're the most pretty woman I've ever seen, and dad, you're the most handsome man I've ever seen. I'm really lucky to have both of you as my parents." I said it from the back seat.

Awe, you're so sweet." I chuckle, and then we just talk on our way there.

Oh, no, it looks like it's going to rain. The wind is so fast. It looks like it's going to rain so heavily." I look out the window, and I can see the tree looking like it's going to fall down and also the leaves flying around. Also, there's thunder, and it's so loud. I think it's going to be a thunderstorm.

"Thea, honey, why are you looking so nervous suddenly? Are you okay?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just feel worried."

Oh, honey, it's only going to rain. That's fine. Let's just enjoy tonight, alright?" My dad said that, and I just smiled at him.

"Why does the restaurant take so long to arrive? I'm already hungry." I said to change the topic.

"Now you're back to normal. Well, it's not that far, but because of this rain, your dad has to slow down a bit because the road is slippery." I nodded my head.

"Mom, dad I really want to ask you this question since last year.

What is it?"

"Why didn't you make another child so that I could have a little brother or maybe a little sister to play with? I'm pretty bored, you know, even though I'm already seventeen." My mom laughs at my question.

"Oh Thea, It's not like me and your dad didn't try it; we tried but had no luck. So if you want to play with a baby, why don't you get married and have your own baby?"

"Mom! I'm still young; I've not even graduated from high school yet." I said, and three of us laughed happily.

I look in front to see if I can see the restaurant, but I see none. The rain covers it all. So it's hard to see anything. Just then, I felt my heartbeat so fast. Ummm, dad, I think it's better we just stop for a while until this rain starts to slow down," I said.

It's fine, hon-" I cut him off quickly when I saw there was a car coming the other way that looked like it had lost control.

"Oh my god! Dad, watch out!" I screamed, and my dad tried not to hit that car. Our car also lost control because of the slippery road. "No! No! Mom dad!" I screamed, and then it was all black.

"No!!!!" I open my eyes and then look around. I'm in my room, so that means it's just a dream. Why am I having these bad dreams after a year when I'm not having them? I feel my eyes watering, and I hug my knee to my chest and cry. Mom, dad, I miss you so much. I get out of bed and open the sliding door to take in fresh air. I hug myself and look at the sky.

Then I remembered something that my mom used to say to me if I missed someone when I was 8 years old.

"Mom, I miss grandma and grandpa. Why can't I go and stay with them?" I asked.

"Thea, your grandparents are already gone from this world, but if you miss them or someone, just look up at the sky, look at the stars and the moon, and just talk to them because maybe they'll hear you." My mom said

"Mom, dad I miss both of you so much. I want to be with you guys happily, like we used to. I want to hug and kiss both of you. I want to celebrate my birthday with you guys." The tears are coming out more and more from my eyes. "Mom, dad, I'll go and visit both of you soon. I really, really miss both of you so badly." I wipe my tears, but they're still coming out. I just look at the stars and moon. "I wish you could hear me." I touched my neck, and then I remembered that I didn't wear it. I want to go back inside my room and search for it.

After a moment, I finally found it. I wear the necklace and then look at it. I close the sliding door and walk to my bed. I feel the tears coming out again. I cry until I feel so tired and sleepy. So, I just lay on my back and try to sleep.


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Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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