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Well that is the end of "Rekindled Love". I hope you guys enjoyed this short story! I know it was short but isn't that what a short story is? It is my first one on here so I hope I did somewhat okay!

I ended the story like that on purpose just so you guys know! I didn't want it to drag on and you guys can now think of an ending for yourself, although they do end up together. I just thought this would be a fun, easy, quick read for you guys!

Maybe we can make it on the Short Story charts with this. How cool would that be?! If you did like this story leave a comment that you did! Maybe I'll start doing more of these from time to time :)

Anyways, I really really hoped you enjoyed this story! Thank you for sticking with it and reading it! 

Make sure to follow me on here, Twitter, Insta and Snapchat to see more about my other works and upcoming ones too! I love to talk to you guys so message me!!! :)

I love you guys so much!!! <3 <3 <3



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