Chapter 7...

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Song: When Did You Stop Loving Me-Hunter Hayes

Brock Spencer, aka my ex-boyfriend. I never thought I would see him again, and a small part of me wish I never would. But here he is in all his glory. I had no clue that he was back in town. It had been years since he was back in Port Townsend, too busy with his baseball career to visit home.

I had tried over the last few years to not listen to anything about his life but it never worked. It was hard though living in such a small town and having a local be a professional baseball player. Everyone around here couldn't get over Brock Spencer being a 'celebrity'. Every time his team played people threw parties to watch it and made banners.

A small part of me was happy people here talked about him a lot. I got to hear little pieces of what was going on. Like when he won a game, when he was named rookie of the year, when he won some sport award. And of course I got to hear about him and his girlfriends and where they went. That part I didn't like.

Although the last few months I hadn't heard much about him or seen him on the news so I was kind of shocked seeing him here. If it was planned for him to be here everyone would have known and thrown a surprise party or something for him. It would not surprise me if people end up hosting something in honor of him once they find out he is here.

My eyes looked him over despite my inner protest. He looked good, really good. Brock no longer looked like the teenager he once was. His face had leaned out even more making his jawline more prominent as well as his cheek bones and the slightly stubble on his face made him seem older. His brown hair was slightly shaggy and looked like it needed a cut. His blue eyes were filled with some sort of emotion I couldn't decipher.

He had filled out even more as well. His long sleeve shirt hugged his upper body and showed his arm and shoulder muscles even more. Brock had more of a mature look about him now. The last 6 years has done him good.

"Brock." I spoke first. At hearing my voice I watched him blink and take a step back.

"Haley." Damn even his voice has gotten deeper and hotter. We continued on staring at each other, neither saying a word. Finally I shook myself and spoke.

"I didn't know you were back in town." There were so many emotions whirling through me right now I wasn't sure what to do. I was angry, happy, disappointed, confused.

"Uh, it was a last minute thing." His eyes never looked away from my face as he answered.

"Oh." I awkwardly shifted on my feet. Speak Haley, speak! But nothing was really coming out.

"Brock." Annie's voice made me look away from Brock. I had forgotten her and Brad were behind us.

"Hey Annie." Recognition flashed in his eyes as he looked over at Annie. From here I could feel the anger coming off of her. Having been around when he broke my heart she didn't like him. She had to console me for months which just had her hate Brock with a passion. I was surprised she had yet to lung at him.

"I"m Brad. Huge fan of yours man." I moved to the side as Brad shook Brock's hand, trying hard not to fan girl. Didn't blame him, Brock was a great baseball player.

"Thanks." I noticed his eyes darted back to me briefly.

The three of us awkwardly stood there. People moved around us but it was almost like I was in a bubble. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep my eyes off of Brock. It was like I was trying to convince myself he was really here, that I wasn't just imagining him.

"Well we have to get going. Nice seeing you Brock." Annie finally broke in, interrupting the silence. Silently I shot her a huge thank you.

She grabbed my arm and started tugging me away from Brock. He took a small step to the side to let us pass.

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