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"He didn't touch you, did he?" Parker asks, bursting into my apartment. I look up at him from my place at the kitchen counter. His white shirt defines his muscular chest, and his stubble is a little darker today.

"What?" I ask through a mouthful of cereal. He comes to a stop when he sees me in last night's clothes. I blink.

"He didn't do anything you didn't want him to?" Parker presses, furrowing his brow. His concern is touching. "I swear to god if he hurt yo-"

"I'm fine," I laugh, shaking my head. "Weren't you on the earpiece, listening in?"

"No, it cut out a little after the doorbell rang," He explains. I nod.

"Well, after that he sort of snapped out of it. Apologized even. He's not guilty of anything except wanting to get back at his ex," I chuckle, turning back to the cereal in front of me. "Pizza was good too, but Mama Mia's is still better." I watch Parker as he visibly relaxes and sinks into the armchair in living area. His feet dangle off the side and he hugs a pillow, looking off into the distance. "Why all the concern?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. Parker turns and looks at me, his eyes darkening slightly.

"Because you're my friend, Adrianna." He's quiet for a second. "We are friends aren't we?"

Yeah, friends who want to tear each other's clothes off. I turn my back on him and smile to myself as I take a bite of cereal. "The best of friends," I tell him.

"Why are you still in last night's clothes?" Parker asks. I sigh.

"I passed out on Zane's couch. Didn't get here until early this morning. Best sleep I've had in weeks, in all honesty," I chuckle. I turn and find Parker's gaze on me. "I did not sleep with him. But maybe I will. Get some stress out of my system."

Parker's eyes darken and he frowns at me. Was that jealousy in his gaze? I'm probably imagining things, wishful thinking and all. I get up and place my bowl into the sink, rinsing it out. "Why don't we both get some stress out of our systems," Parker's voice comes through. I shake my head, and find him standing in the entrance of the kitchen, his hair sticking up in a bunch of directions. I really wanted to run my finger through it.

"Maybe when we don't have so much shit to shift through," I tell him, walking past him and into the living room again. My laptop and the blueprints were all scattered around the coffee table. His eyes sparkle hopefully as he follows me.

"This stuff will still be here in a half hour," He promises, settling down beside me on the couch. I raise an eyebrow.

"A half hour? Is that the most you can go?" I tease. He grins widely, leaning towards me.

"Why don't you find out for yourself?"

I pull away, my cheeks pink. Repeatedly reminding myself that this man is trained in the art of seduction. Just like me, a small voice says in the back of my mind. To him I'm just a puzzle to crack. I tie my hair up into a bun atop my head and continue scribbling onto the blueprints. When I don't respond, Parker comes a little closer to me, placing his lips on the spot behind my ear. My breath hitches as he moves down along my neck, painstakingly slow. My fingers quiver in anticipation, as he moves the top of my shirt over. He places his lips on my shoulder, eyes trained on me.

He grins wickedly at me.

Then the door bangs open, and feet stomp through the apartment. It's like everything is moving in slow motion for a second. It takes a second to register what is happening. In a flash, I grab a match from the drawer in the nightstand throwing three at the papers on the desk in front of me one after the other.

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