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"You look a little lost there," A voice says to my right. The numbers and letters and destinations in front of me are endless and I can't make sense of them. I really wish I'd paid more attention in geography class. When I register that the voice is, in fact, speaking to me, I look over, and find an attractive man standing there, a hat atop his head. He's dressed in a nice suit, most likely tailor fit. I blink at him.

"I am, truthfully," I tell him sheepishly, glancing down at the American passport nestled in my grip. "I'm trying to get to the States," I explain, looking back at the flights on the screen in front of me. They change again, and I watch helplessly. He walks over, a suitcase trailing after him.

"Well, I'm on my way to New York, why don't you take my flight? You look like you need the help," he smiles. I look up at him and meet his brown gaze. From my experience, if someone is nice to you, it's because they want something. But his eyes seemed so kind, it's not possible he'd want something so horribly bad. Besides, in all my eighteen years of life, he's the most gorgeous human I've ever laid eyes on. 

"Okay," I tell him simply, fully unaware of what I'd just wandered into.

"You don't have to do this," I hear Parker's voice in my ear. I meet his gaze in the mirror, fixing the strap of the black flowered mini dress I had slipped into. I tilt my head slightly, reminiscing the last day and a half I'd spent with Parker. We hadn't done anything, really. Just talked, a lot. About likes and dislikes, and life and death and the universe and energy. I hadn't attempted to kiss him again, and he hadn't tried to either. Maybe he'd lost interest.

He reaches down and moves the strap out of place, kissing the spot it had been, his eyes still glued to mine. Scratch that, he hasn't lost interest. Shivers ran down my spine, and I turned my head slightly looking down at him.

"I don't have to," I agree, smiling slightly at him. "But I want to. I'm curious to know everything he knows. It could help us, whether he knows it or not. Besides," I turn and lift my gaze to meet those sea green eyes of his, turning my whole body to face him, "you'll be right there, in my ear." He grins at me wickedly, a small stray strand of hair falling into his eyes as he lowers his head.

"I'll be right here," He breathes into my ear. I nod, feeling my emotions soar, wondering why I hadn't thought to kiss his stupid ass before. "Listening. One wrong move and I'll have him eating cement." Parker's eyes darken, and it only heightens my excitement. I grin at him. 

"There's something about a man making threats that just-" I stop talking, searching for the right way to put it. Parker laughs. 

"Turns you on?" He asks, his hands on my hips. I stick out my tongue. 

"I was looking for a less vulgar way of saying it," I sniff, turning away from him, and slipping on the jean jacket. I tighten my hair in it's high pony tail, and spray one last spritz of setting spray before slipping into the heels. 

High heels are the reason I breathe. Back in my villa in Tunisia, by the sea, I have a whole closet dedicated to high heels. Really, I'm a collector. I tie the knot, and then stand up. Maybe a little getaway there is in order, once this whole mission is over and done with. When I finish straightening myself, Parker is nowhere to be found in the bedroom so I walk out into the main area and find him prepping his laptop. Really, when he got around electronics, it's quite adorable. He starts mumbling to himself gibberish that I can't understand. He pushes his glasses slightly higher up his nose, then takes them off and sets them down.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask him, placing a hand on my hip. He looks up and smiles at me. 


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